Functional Circuits Total Body Class – Low Impact, Weights

Functional Circuits Total Body Class (45 Mins) - Low Impact, Weights | In this 45 minute Functional Circuits class, we'll go through three circuits of strength exercises and bodyweight exercises. Full video available for free on YouTube and includes guided warm up and cool down. #lowimpactworkout #homeworkout #workoutvideo #fitness

This Functional Circuits total body class is low impact and uses weights (with a mix of bodyweight exercises as well). The 45-minute class includes guided warm up and cool down. Some other Functional Circuits classes I’ve shared:

If you enjoy class, I have a bunch more available to Patreon members! For $9.99/month, you get 8-10 additional workout videos every month plus a workout calendar.

Functional Circuits Total Body Class


  • Set of medium weights, I’m using 8 lbs
  • Single heavy weight, I’m using 20 lbs

In this class, we start with a guided warm up, focusing on mobility and dynamic movement. We then move onto our functional circuit work. In each of the three circuits, you’ll preform four exercises, back to back, for 30 seconds each. You then rest 30 seconds before repeating. So that’s 2 mins of work, 30 sec rest.

In Circuits 2 & 3, we’ll do some unilateral work so we’ll complete 4 sets of the circuits, alternating right and left. In Circuit 1, we’ll complete 3 sets.

Between circuits, you get about a minute to recover, but pause the video and take more time if needed. Always listen to your body, modifying or stopping as needed.

We finish class with a guided cool down and stretch.

Functional Circuits Total Body Class (45 Mins) - Low Impact, Weights | In this 45 minute Functional Circuits class, we'll go through three circuits of strength exercises and bodyweight exercises. Full video available for free on YouTube and includes guided warm up and cool down. #lowimpactworkout #homeworkout #workoutvideo #fitness

Workout Breakdown

01:30 Warm Up & Mobility

09:38 Functional Circuits Workout

Circuit 1, medium weights

  • Rotating Biceps Curls
  • Hammer Curls with Lunge – Squat Step
  • Squat Thrust with External Rotation at the Bottom
  • Shoulder Press, Shaper, Press Up

Circuit 2, heavy weight

  • Staggered DL – SL DL
  • Lunge Row x2 – Pulse x2
  • Lizard to Low Squat to Knee Drive (bodyweight)
  • SL DL with Arm Reach (bodyweight)

Circuit 3, single medium weight

  • Boat Sit Up to Balance
  • Boat Pose Shoulder Press – Twist
  • Side Plank Rotation – Top Knee Crunch (bodyweight)
  • Forearm Plank Knee Drives

41:58 Cool Down & Stretch

xo Nicole

Circuit Pulse + Tabata Upper Body Class (50 Min)

Circuit Pulse + Tabata Upper Body Class (50 mins) - This upper body workout includes two strength training circuits with dumbbells and a sweaty tabata finisher. Full video up for free on YouTube and includes warm up and cool down! #upperbodyworkout #strengthtraining #armworkout

Back in the early days of quarantine, I shared a couple workouts using this structure (upper body / lower body). In this 50-minute Circuit Pulse + Tabata Upper Body Class, we’ll go through two strength circuits and finish with a quick tabata.

If you enjoy class, I have more like this available to Patreon members!

Circuit Pulse + Tabata Upper Body Class


  • Set of medium weights (I’m using a pair of 8 lbs and have a single 10 lb for one exercise)

In this class, we start with a guided warm up. It will focus mostly on mobility, mixing in some dynamic movement toward the end to build some heat in the body. We then move onto our circuit pulse + tabata work. We’ll do two strength circuits and finish with a quick tabata.

In each strength circuit, you’ll preform five exercises. You do the full range exercise for 30 seconds then 15 seconds of pulsing then 15 seconds of rest before moving on to the next exercise. Rest for 30 seconds at the end of the circuit before repeating. You complete three sets total.

In the tabata, you preform two exercises, alternating between them, using an interval structure of 20 seconds work / 10 seconds rest x8.

Between each section of class, you get about a minute to recover, but pause the video and take more time if needed. Always listen to your body, modifying or stopping as needed.

We finish class with a guided cool down and stretch.

Circuit Pulse + Tabata Upper Body Class (50 mins) - This upper body workout includes two strength training circuits with dumbbells and a sweaty tabata finisher. Full video up for free on YouTube and includes warm up and cool down! #upperbodyworkout #strengthtraining #armworkout

Workout Breakdown

Times refer to the above video.

02:14 Warm Up & Mobility

07:52 Circuit Pulse + Tabata Workout

Circuit 1

  • Hammer Curl – Curl Front Extension // pulse curl
  • RIGHT Concentration Curl // pulse halfway
  • LEFT Concentration Curl // pulse halfway
  • Triceps Kickbacks // pulse straight arms
  • Rev Tabletop Triceps Dip – Hip Lift // triceps dips

Circuit 2

  • Shoulder Sweep – Shoulder Press // pulse press
  • Shoulder Shaper – Press Up // pulse press up
  • Row Narrow – Wide // you choose pulse wide or narrow
  • Push Up Toe Touch // pulse low push up
  • Prone Extension // hold extension, swimmer


  • Push Press Jumping Jacks
  • Marching Plank

45:50 Cool Down & Stretch

Build a Combo Workout Class with Weights (45 Mins)

Build a Combo Workout Class with Weights: Total Body, 45 Mins | In Build a Combo classes, we gradually build a sequence of exercises over 2-minute intervals of work. Free workout video is up for all on YouTube. #strengthtraining #workoutclass #fitness #workoutvideo

This total body Build a Combo workout class with weights is 45 minutes long. The video includes a warm up and cool down. If you love class, I have more like it available on Patreon this month. Another using weights (no jumping), and two that are bodyweight-only (one low-impact and one with minimal jumping).

Build a Combo Workout Class with Weights (45 Mins)


In this class, we start with a guided warm up, focusing on mobility. We then move onto our build-a-combo-strength work. In each of the three sequences, you’ll gradually build a combination of movements, adding on every 30 seconds. You rest for 30 seconds before repeating.

Here’s a general breakdown of each combo:

  • (30 sec) Movement A
  • (30 sec) Movement A + B
  • (30 sec) Movement A + B + C
  • (30 sec) Movement C

You’ll do each combo twice on the right then twice on the left. There is some jumping in this workout, that we build up to gradually, but I will show you how to modify if you prefer to keep the entire class low impact.

Between each of the three combos you get a minute to recover, but pause the video and take more time if needed.

Always listen to your body, modifying or stopping as needed.

We finish class with a guided cool down and stretch.

Build a Combo Workout Class with Weights: Total Body, 45 Mins | In Build a Combo classes, we gradually build a sequence of exercises over 2-minute intervals of work. Free workout video is up for all on YouTube. #strengthtraining #workoutclass #fitness #workoutvideo

Workout Breakdown

See the times in parentheses in the above video to jump to that section.

(01:51) Warm Up & Mobility

(09:32) Build a Combo Workout

Combo 1

  • Overhead Raise in Side Lunge
  • + SL Stand with Curl to Press
  • + Row with Step
  • Just Row with Step

Combo 2

  • Standing Side Bend
  • + Back Lunge
  • + Lunge Hop
  • Just Lunge Hop

Combo 3

  • Split Lunge Row
  • + Step to Squat + High Pull
  • + Squat Jump
  • Just Squat Jump

(41:10) Cool Down & Stretch

xo Nicole