30-Min Full Body HIIT Workout (Bodyweight)

30-Min Full Body HIIT Workout (Bodyweight) - No equipment needed for this HIIT workout! It's broken up into three mini circuits. Video included! #hiit #intervaltraining #bodyweightworkout #bodyweighttraining #fitness #workoutvideo

This full body hiit workout uses the same structure as the workouts I’ve been posting all month, but with a slight twist. We’re going to alternate between sides of the body, going through each circuit on the left, then right, left, right. If you enjoy this one, definitely check out this slightly shorter bodyweight hiit workout that uses a similar structure.

Full Body HIIT Workout

This full body hiit workout will take you 30 minutes to complete (28.5 minutes to be exact). It’s broken up into three mini circuits. In each circuit, you’ll get three exercises. You’ll go through them four times, alternating between the left and right side of your body. So in total, you’ll complete the circuit twice on the right and twice on the left.

The interval structure is 30 seconds of work and 10 seconds of rest. After each set, you’ll rest for 30 seconds. After each completed circuit, you’ll rest for 60 seconds. If you need more recovery time and are following along with the video, just hit pause!

As with all workouts, you want to make sure you’re properly warmed up beforehand, and always listen to your body, modifying or stopping as needed. Here are two guided warm ups you can choose from (or do your own!):

30-Min Full Body HIIT Workout (Bodyweight) - No equipment needed for this HIIT workout! It's broken up into three mini circuits. Video included! #hiit #intervaltraining #bodyweightworkout #bodyweighttraining #fitness #workoutvideo

Workout Breakdown

For a preview of each exercise and how to modify, see the noted times in the above video.

CIRCUIT 1 (01:29)

  • Lunge Hop – Deadlift Hinge
  • Curtsy – Back Lunge – Knee Drive Hop (stay low as you step from back lunge to curtsy to back lunge)
  • SL Glutes Bridge

CIRCUIT 2 (11:42)

  • Side Plank Hip Dip – Top Kick
  • Side V-Up to Center Crunch (roll from side of bum to back)
  • Staggered Plank Jack to Reptile Crunch (one arm is in a forearm plank, one is in a low triceps push up)

CIRCUIT 3 (21:43)

  • Squat Jump Back Lunge Step
  • Donkey Kick to Tabletop Kick-through
  • Burpees

Hope you enjoy this full body hiit workout! I have every intent of publishing a workout next Monday. If, however, the holidays get the best of my video shooting/editing, I’ll post it later in the week instead. Happy holidays, everyone! 🙂

xo Nicole


  1. LOVE full body workouts…especially HIIT ones that don’t take you too long. Great workout!

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