Upper Body Tabata Superset Workout (20 Mins)

Upper Body Tabata Superset Workout (20 Mins) - This workout is broken up into four tabata supersets. You'll alternate between two exercises at a time, with each tabata targeting a different muscle group in the upper body. Video included! #tabata #workout #hiit #upperbodyworkout #workoutvideo

This upper body tabata superset workout will take you 20 minutes to complete. It’s quick but effective—I was sore for days after filming it! (Not that soreness is always an indication of efficacy.) You’ll notice that the back is not specified as one of the target groups (we do biceps, triceps, shoulders and chest). Several of the exercises do target the muscles of the back though, so you’ll get a well-rounded upper body workout.

Upper Body Tabata Superset Workout


  • Set of medium-light dumbbells (and I highly recommend having a slightly lighter drop set available as well) – I’m using a set of 8-lbs and set of 5-lbs

This upper body tabata superset workout is broken up into four tabatas, each focusing on a different muscle group (biceps, triceps, etc.). A tabata is 8 rounds of 20 seconds of work and 10 seconds of rest. I’ll give you two exercises at a time, and you’ll alternate between them.

I encourage you to start each tabata using the heavier set of weights, and then drop down to the lighter as needed.

As with all workouts, you want to make sure you’re properly warmed up before, and always listen to your body, modifying or stopping as needed. I have two guided warm ups:

Upper Body Tabata Superset Workout (20 Mins) - This workout is broken up into four tabata supersets. You'll alternate between two exercises at a time, with each tabata targeting a different muscle group in the upper body. Video included! #tabata #workout #hiit #upperbodyworkout #workoutvideo

Workout Breakdown

TABATA 1 – biceps

See 01:43 for a preview of the exercises and how to modify.

  • Hammer Curls
  • Rotate Open – Lateral Extension

TABATA 2 – triceps

See 06:22 for a preview of the exercises and how to modify.

  • Triceps Kickbacks + Pulse x2
  • Crab Kick Dips

TABATA 3 – shoulders

See 11:10 for a preview of the exercises and how to modify.

  • Arnold Press
  • Elbow Squeeze In – Up

TABATA 4 – chest/shoulders

See 15:59 for a preview of the exercises and how to modify.

  • Marching Plank
  • Surfer Get-Ups

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xo Nicole

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