12-Min Kettlebell HIIT Workout

12-Min Kettlebell HIIT Workout - This kettlebell hiit workout will target total body and take you just 12 minutes to complete. Video included! #kettlebell #kettlebellhiit #hiit #kettlebellworkout #workout

I’ve got a quick but intense workout for you this week! All you’ll need is a kettlebell, but you could make do with a dumbbell. (If you go that route, you might need a step bench to place it on to make it easier to grab.) This total-body kettlebell hiit workout will take you 12 minutes to complete.

In the preview of the exercises, I’ll show you how to make them all low(er) impact. So if you need to eliminate jumping for noise or joint purposes, I gotchu. 🙂

12-Min Kettlebell HIIT Workout


  • 20-lb kettlebell – Choose a weight that is medium-heavy for you. Always best to start lighter, get the movement pattern and form down, and then challenge yourself by adding weight.

Set an interval timer (or just follow along with the video) for 12 rounds of 30 seconds of work and 15 seconds of rest. There are four exercises in this workout, and you’ll cycle through them four times. If you follow along with the video, I give you 30 seconds of rest at the halfway point instead of 15.

As with all workouts, you want to make sure you’re properly warmed up beforehand, and always listen to your body, modifying or stopping as needed. I have two warm ups on my channel you can choose from (or do your own):

12-Min Kettlebell HIIT Workout - This kettlebell hiit workout will target total body and take you just 12 minutes to complete. Video included! #kettlebell #kettlebellhiit #hiit #kettlebellworkout #workout

Workout Breakdown

See 1:53 in the above video for a preview of the exercises and how to modify them.

  • Alternating High Pull to (Bodyweight) Squat Jump
  • Split Lunge Row to Lunge Hop – Alternate sides each round
  • Sprawl to Weighted Squat Hop
  • Full Body Crunch to Alternating Russian Twist

If you like this kettlebell hiit workout, you should also check out this kettlebell circuit workout. For kettlebell workouts without the accompanying video, check out this page of archives.

xo Nicole


  1. Thanks for sharing this workout! Going to definitely include some of these movements in my workout in a few minutes!


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