No Jumping Tabata Workout (20 Mins)

No Jumping Tabata Workout - This total body tabata workout is low-impact and apartment-friendly. #tabata #workout #athomeworkout #workoutvideo #fitness

This no jumping tabata superset workout is perfect if you have downstairs neighbors (no thudding around!). It’s also great if you want to avoid high impact on your joints. Especially because there’s no jumping, I encourage you to challenge yourself with the weights you choose.

No Jumping Tabata Workout


  • Medium dumbbell (I have a 10-lb weight and an 8-lb weight on hand in case I need to drop down)
  • Heavy kettlebell (you could use a dumbbell, but we’ll be doing swings)

This total body tabata superset workout is broken up into four tabatas. A tabata is 8 rounds using an interval structure of 20 sec work / 10 sec rest. I’ll give you two exercises that you’ll alternate between.

Rest for 60 seconds after each completed tabata superest.

As with all workouts, you want to make sure you’re properly warmed up before, and always listen to your body, modifying or stopping as needed. I have two guided warm ups:

No Jumping Tabata Workout - This total body tabata workout is low-impact and apartment-friendly. #tabata #workout #athomeworkout #workoutvideo #fitness

Workout Breakdown

TABATA 1 – lower body

See 01:43 for a preview of the exercises and how to modify.

  • Back Lunge to Knee Drive (alternate sides)
  • Goblet Squat with Pulse

TABATA 2 – total body (shoulders)

See 06:44 for a preview of the exercises and how to modify.

  • Shoulder Press Stationary Lunge (alternate sides)
  • Truck Driver Squat Hold

TABATA 3 – core

See 11:36 for a preview of the exercises and how to modify.

  • Side Plank Hip Lift (alternate sides)
  • Anchored Twisting Sit Up

TABATA 4 – total body

See 16:29 for a preview of the exercises and how to modify.

  • Curtsy Pulse to Low Squat
  • Kettlebell Swings

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xo Nicole

Links to equipment are affiliate.

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