15-Minute Lateral Low Body Workout (Video)

15-Minute Lateral Low Body Workout (focus on abductors)

Wow my butt is feeling it after shooting this workout yesterday! 🙂

Today’s workout is going to focus on lateral movements and the outsides of our lower body (abductors). It’s great for everyone, but can be especially beneficial for runners. Running is a very forward-backward, single-plane activity so to prevent muscle imbalances, it’s good to mix in some workouts using lateral (side-to-side) movements. I loved megaformer workouts during marathon training for this reason–the lateral sliding on the machine is so good!

I teamed up with Iron Lily on this workout, so let’s first take a second to admire the leggings I’m wearing! Iron Lily is an LA-based women’s activewear line to which I was recently introduced. As a newer brand, the current collection is small, but I instantly was drawn to their leggings. The mesh panel, color blocking and visible seams are totally on trend, and the compression material makes them great for high-intensity workouts. If you like leggings that really hold everything in place, you’ll love these. And the waistband is wide and comes up high enough that the compression material is still flattering around your stomach. Iron Lily leggings

I’m wearing the Vanquish Leggings which retail at $106. It’s a higher price point (although definitely not as high as other brands I’ve seen!), but the quality is great and they’re made right here in the good ol’ USA, which I love. Check them out here!

15-Minute Lateral Low Body Workout

Watch the Video

This 15-minute workout is going to target your lower body using lots of lateral movements. So think abductors. We’re opening up the hips and forcing the outer thigh/side butt area to work. The 15 minutes is broken up into three exercise combos. After each 3-minute combo, you’ll do a 60-second cardio blast. No equipment is needed.

15-Minute Lateral Low Body Workout (focus on abductors)

Combo 1 | Curtsy Lunge + Curtsy Lunge Hold (Balance!)

30 seconds of movement + 10 seconds holding x6 (3 times each leg, alternating)

Curtsy Lunge | Start standing with feet hip-width apart. From here, sink down into your curtsey lunge: right foot stays planted on the ground and as you bend that right knee, reach your left foot behind it as far to the right as you can until it hovers off the ground. To modify, plant the ball of your foot on the floor for stability instead. From this deep lunge position, you’re going to press back up to standing, just lightly tapping your left foot to the floor before sinking back down into your next rep.

Curtsy Lunge Hold | Hold the bottom of your curtsy lunge and then try to hover the back left foot off the ground so that you’re balancing low on your right side.

Speed Skater 60 seconds

These are like side-to-side leaping curtsy lunges. Leap to the right, landing on your right foot and bending down to touch the ground by your foot with your left hand as you swoop your left foot behind the right (think of a curtsy). Come up, leaping left and reversing the move. Keep it going quickly, back and forth, trying to never let that back foot come to rest on the ground—keep the weight in the foot you land on.

Combo 2 | Hydrant Crunch with Lift + Pulses (Straight)

30 seconds of movement + 10 seconds pulsing x6 (3 times each leg, alternating)

Hydrant Crunch with Lift | You’ll be in a stacked/open tabletop position for this one. To set up, get onto all fours and then lower onto your left elbow. Open up your right hip like a dog peeing on a fire hydrant so that your hips are stacked and you’re facing the side of the room rather than the floor. From here, you’re going to crunch the right knee in towards the right shoulder. Extend it back out straight and then lift it up as high as you can keeping the hips stable and lower. Repeat.

Straight Leg Pulses | Hold the leg out straight, thigh bone rotated open (knee and toes point to the wall, not the floor) and from there pulse up and down.

Speed Skater 60 seconds

Combo 3 | Sumo Squat Lifts + Pulse Wide

30 seconds of movement + 10 seconds pulsing x6 (3 times each leg, alternating)

Sumo Squat with Lift | This is a wide-stance squat with a lateral leg lift. Feet wider than hip-distance apart, squat down low. Shift your weight into the left side and then as you begin to straighten the left side and rise up, lift the right leg straight up and out to the side. Lower it, bringing your weight back to center in that deep squat. 

Wide Sumo Squat Pulses | Hold a wide squat and angle your toes outward, knees tracking in line with toes. From here, you’re going to pulse your legs out wide (think of pulling your knees towards the back of the room while you squeeze your glutes).

Speed Skater 60 seconds

And you’re done!

15-Minute Lateral Low Body Workout (focus on abductors)

Good Stretches to Do after This Workout

These are two great stretch options for this particular workout:

15-Minute Lateral Low Body Workout (focus on abductors) 15-Minute Lateral Low Body Workout (focus on abductors)

WEARING | leggings c/o Iron Lily // tank c/o Reebok (old but similar here) // Nike sneakers

Let me know in the comments if you try the workout!


Disclosure: This post was sponsored by Iron Lily. While I was compensated for my time, all opinions–as always!–are my own. I appreciate your support of the brands who make this blog possible! 🙂

Sweaty HIIT Circuit Workout

Sweaty HIIT Circuit Workout - This 10 or 20-minute hiit circuit makes for a great workout finisher! #hiit #workout #hiitworkout #workoutfinisher

This sweaty hiit circuit workout was originally posted back in 2015 and has since been updated with a video. The video can give you either a 10-minute workout or a 20-minute workout (just repeat it twice). If you’re using this as a finisher to a weight lifting session or other strength workout, 10 minutes will probably be plenty long, especially since the intervals are long.

Sweaty HIIT Circuit Workout

Equipment I Used:

If you’re not following along with the video, set an interval timer for 10 (or 20) rounds of 45 seconds of work and 15 seconds of rest. You’ll go through the circuit of five exercises twice. During the 45-second work interval, your goal is to get in as many reps as possible without sacrificing proper form.

Make sure you’re properly warmed up beforehand, and always listen to your body, modifying or stopping as needed. I have a 5-minute warm up you can do if you’re looking for a guide. In the above video, I’ll show you options for modifying all the exercises.

Sweaty HIIT Circuit Workout - this 10 or 20-minute HIIT circuit makes for the perfect workout finisher! #hiit #workout #workoutfinisher #workoutvideo

Exercise Breakdown

See 01:51 in the above video for demonstrations and modification options of each exercise in this hiit circuit workout.

Squat Thrust – Squat Jump | Holding the weights at your shoulders, do a squat thrust (shoulder press at the top) and then a squat jump, keeping the weights at your shoulders. If you’re uncomfortable jumping with weights, either do this bodyweight or take out the jumps.

Spiderman Mountain Climbers | This is like a regular mountain climber, but you bring your foot to the outside of your hand and then jump and switch. If you have tight hips, try elevating your hands on yoga blocks for this one.

Burpees | Your choice—you can do chest-to-floor burpees as I do in the video or push-up burpees like I do in the pictorial. Try to add one of these upper body components to it unless you’re purposely modifying.

Jump Lunge x3 to Knee Up | Do three jump lunges then bring your back knee up to your chest as you stand. Doing three will ensure that you’re alternating the knee up side each time.

Hot Feet to Sprawl | Start with hot feet, which is essentially running in place in a semi-squat. When you hear a beep in the video, bring your hands to the floor, jumping into a plank then quickly back into your low stance for hot feet. If you’re not following along with the video, just sprawl every 5-10 seconds.

Sweaty HIIT Circuit Workout #hiit #circuit #workout

Hope you like this sweaty hiit circuit workout!

xo Nicole

Cardio Tabata Superset Workout

20-Minute Bodyweight Cardio Tabata Workout - No equipment needed for this at-home tabata workout! #tabata #tabataworkout #hiit #bodyweightworkout

This cardio tabata workout is sure to leave you sweaty and out of breath! No equipment needed, and you need to set aside just 20 minutes. I originally posted this workout back in 2015 and decided to give it a little facelift and an accompanying video. If you’re an OG Pumps reader, revisit this one and follow along with the video!

20-Min Cardio Tabata Workout

This workout is broken up into four tabatas. A tabata is 8 rounds of 20 seconds of work and 10 seconds of rest. I’ll give you two exercises at a time and you’ll alternate between them. Rest for 60 seconds between each tabata.

This is a total-body workout and cardio heavy. There’s lots of jumping around and you’ll be out of breath by the end of each tabata. I’ll show you how to modify each exercise to eliminate jumping in the video. That being said, this workout was designed with jumping in mind, so if you’re looking for a low-impact, effective workout, this might not be the best option. I’d check out my resistance band workouts. They’re low-impact but challenging!

As with all workouts, you want to make sure you’re properly warmed up beforehand. Always listen to your body, modifying or stopping as needed. I have two warm ups you can follow:

20-Minute Bodyweight Cardio Tabata Workout - No equipment needed for this at-home tabata workout! #tabata #tabataworkout #hiit #bodyweightworkout

Workout Breakdown


See 1:22 in the above video for a preview of the exercises and how to modify them.

  • Hot Feet
  • 180 Squat Jumps


See 5:59 in the above video for a preview of the exercises and how to modify them.

  • Mountain Climbers
  • Push Ups to Low Squat


See 10:47 in the above video for a preview of the exercises and how to modify them.

  • High Knees
  • Jump Lunges


See 15:40 in the above video for a preview of the exercises and how to modify them.

  • Star Jacks
  • Bicycle Crunch Sit Ups

If you like this cardio tabata workout, be sure to try these other workouts from the archives. All use the tabata structure and don’t require any equipment!

xo Nicole