15-Min HIIT Circuit Workout

15-Min HIIT Circuit Workout - This total body workout uses an interval structure of 30 sec work / 15 sec rest. Complete 4 rounds of each exercise before moving on. #hiit #intervaltraining #workoutvideo #workout

This quick hiit circuit workout will take you 15 minutes to complete. If you’re looking for something longer, just repeat it twice. It uses the same format (only truncated and without the boxing) as one of my favorite classes in Boston—Train 360 at Everybody Fights.

Also, before someone points it out in the comments: Yes, I spelled “skier” wrong in the video and pictorial. Just throwing in extra I’s to keep y’all on your toes. 😉

15-Min HIIT Circuit Workout


  • Set of medium dumbbells (5-15 lbs depending on fitness level; I’m using 10’s and 12’s). If available, I might suggest having two sets on hand so you can go heavier for some exercises and lighter for others if needed.
  • Set of sliders (dish towels work well on hardwood floors). If you don’t have slider available, do regular mountain climbers instead.

In this workout, you stay on each exercise for two and a half minutes before moving onto the next exercise. We’ll use an interval structure of 30 seconds of work 10 seconds of rest x4. Rest for 30 seconds in between exercises.

As with all workouts, make sure you’re properly warmed up beforehand. I have a couple guided options you can do:

Always listen to your body, modifying or stopping as needed. Before each exercise, I’ll demo and show you options for modifying if you need low-impact or easier versions.

15-Min HIIT Circuit Workout - This total body workout uses an interval structure of 30 sec work / 15 sec rest. Complete 4 rounds of each exercise before moving on. #hiit #intervaltraining #workoutvideo #workout

Workout Breakdown

See times in the above hiit circuit video for a demo of the exercise and how to modify.

  • Push Press Jumping Jacks (01:51)
  • Squat to Back Lunge Press (05:06) – alternate sides
  • Skier Swings (08:14)
  • Wax-On-Wax-Off Mountain Climbers (11:17)
  • Bear Plank to Squat Hop (14:23)

I’ve been out of town a lot this summer and will be moving into a new apartment next week, so thanks for your continued patience with the inconsistency of workout videos!

xo Nicole

12-Min Kettlebell HIIT Workout

12-Min Kettlebell HIIT Workout - This kettlebell hiit workout will target total body and take you just 12 minutes to complete. Video included! #kettlebell #kettlebellhiit #hiit #kettlebellworkout #workout

I’ve got a quick but intense workout for you this week! All you’ll need is a kettlebell, but you could make do with a dumbbell. (If you go that route, you might need a step bench to place it on to make it easier to grab.) This total-body kettlebell hiit workout will take you 12 minutes to complete.

In the preview of the exercises, I’ll show you how to make them all low(er) impact. So if you need to eliminate jumping for noise or joint purposes, I gotchu. 🙂

12-Min Kettlebell HIIT Workout


  • 20-lb kettlebell – Choose a weight that is medium-heavy for you. Always best to start lighter, get the movement pattern and form down, and then challenge yourself by adding weight.

Set an interval timer (or just follow along with the video) for 12 rounds of 30 seconds of work and 15 seconds of rest. There are four exercises in this workout, and you’ll cycle through them four times. If you follow along with the video, I give you 30 seconds of rest at the halfway point instead of 15.

As with all workouts, you want to make sure you’re properly warmed up beforehand, and always listen to your body, modifying or stopping as needed. I have two warm ups on my channel you can choose from (or do your own):

12-Min Kettlebell HIIT Workout - This kettlebell hiit workout will target total body and take you just 12 minutes to complete. Video included! #kettlebell #kettlebellhiit #hiit #kettlebellworkout #workout

Workout Breakdown

See 1:53 in the above video for a preview of the exercises and how to modify them.

  • Alternating High Pull to (Bodyweight) Squat Jump
  • Split Lunge Row to Lunge Hop – Alternate sides each round
  • Sprawl to Weighted Squat Hop
  • Full Body Crunch to Alternating Russian Twist

If you like this kettlebell hiit workout, you should also check out this kettlebell circuit workout. For kettlebell workouts without the accompanying video, check out this page of archives.

xo Nicole

Beginner HIIT Workout (Total Body)

Before we get to this beginner HIIT workout, I just wanted to thank you for all the sweet comments on my last post. Maybe I’ll keep the Favorites series going as a seasonal thing instead of monthly. I may not know what the exact next step for P&I is, but I do know that there is a next step. So don’t worry, I’m not going to stop blogging. I mean I have no choice—at this point I’m way too far gone to get a regular corporate job lol. 😉

Today’s workout is basically a re-vamping of a 20-minute beginner HIIT workout I posted years ago. Pretty much all the same exercises but I tweaked things a bit and, of course, added a video.

Beginner HIIT Workout (Total Body)


There are five exercises in this workout. You’ll go through them in a circuit four times, using an interval structure of 40 seconds of work and 20 seconds of rest.

As with all workouts, make sure you’re properly warmed up beforehand. This gentle warm up video would be perfect to do before you jump into the HIIT workout.

Beginner HIIT Workout - This workout will take you 20 minutes to complete and will target all the major muscle groups. Beginner-friendly and video included! #hiit #beginnerworkout #totalbodyworkout #hiitworkout #intervalworkout

Workout Breakdown

See 2:33 in the above video for a demonstration of all the exercises in this beginner HIIT workout and how to modify them.

  • Squat Thrust Sit – If you’re comfortable squatting without a chair or bench to sit on, you can advance this exercise by doing a regular air squat to thrust. If two weights is too intense, drop down to just one weight, held between your hands. Or, ditch the weight, eliminate the thrust and just squat.
  • Alternating Lunge to Torso Twist – Each time through the circuit, you’ll alternate between front lunges and back lunges.
  • Incline Burpees – You can eliminate the push up if necessary. You can also step instead of jumping into the incline plank to reduce impact.
  • Standing Side Bend – 2 Biceps Curls – Each time through the circuit, alternate which side you isolate. This is the one exercise you might want to use a heavier weight for.
  • Jumping Jacks – If you want a low-impact workout, step instead of jumping (see video for demo).

Other Beginner-Friendly Workouts

If you like this beginner HIIT workout, give these others a try, too!