15-Minute Towel Core Workout

15-Minute Towel Core Workout - a mix of sliding plank work and kneeling core exercises

Today’s workout is a mix of sliding plank work and kneeling core exercises. It’s broken up into blocks so that the upper body gets relief here and there from holding a plank position. The structure admittedly looks confusing, but I promise it’s not. And that’s the beauty of this whole YouTube thing–just follow along with me as I do it!

If you’re a megaformer lover, this workout has your name written all over it.

As with all workouts, make sure to warm up beforehand. Always listen to your body and modify when needed.

Towel Core Workout

So I messed up right and left a little in the video (rookie mistake!). The whole straight-on mirror image vs. profile view screwed me up so just make sure to do as I say not as I do (only the case during Block 3).

15-Minute Towel Core Workout - a mix of sliding plank work and kneeling core exercises

Block 1

Do each of the three exercises for 30 seconds. Do that twice, resting for 15 seconds in between.

Bear | Start in a plank position with your feet on a towel. Keeping your hips level with your shoulders, back flat, slide your feet forward, bending your knees in towards your elbows. Slide feet back out, straightening your legs into plank position.

Plank to Pike | Start in a plank position with your feet on a towel. Keeping your legs straight, pike your hips up into the air, bringing your body into an upside down “v” shape. Try to keep your heels lifted as you do this, sliding on the balls of your feet. Once you hit your peak (if you have tight hamstrings, you may not be able to get your hips up very high—that’s ok!), slowly lower back down into plank position.

Combo Bear + Pike on Forearms | Combo the two moves down on your forearms.

Block 2 (right)

Do each of the three exercises for 30 seconds. 

Mermaid | Come to a kneeling position with your left knee down and your right leg extended straight out to the side. You want your left hip stacked over the left knee. Grab the towel by it’s ends and extend your arms straight up overhead. From here, lean over to the left, lowering your torso so that it forms a diagonal line with your right leg–if you can comfortably go lower, do so. Lift back up by contracting the right side obliques.

Mermaid Twist | Same position as the previous exercise, you’re just going to bend the elbows out wide, bringing the towel behind your head so it’s out of the way (you could also just ditch it–not important here). Lowering your torso so that it makes a diagonal line with your outstretched leg, twist towards the floor and then back to face forward. You stay low as you twist, wringing out your waist like a wet washcloth.

Mermaid Pulses | In the same position as the previous two moves, extend your top arm up towards the ceiling, hold your torso at that low diagonal and pulse up an inch and down an inch.

Block 3 (right)

Do each of the three exercises for 30 seconds. Do that twice, resting for 15 seconds in between.

Twisted Bear | In a plank position, feet on a towel, hands stacked under shoulders on an exercise mat, cross your right foot in front of the left with toes pointing towards the left. You’ll twist through the waist, slightly lowering your right hip to do so. This is your starting position. From here, start bending your knees in towards your left elbow, sliding your feet forward. When you’re in as far as you can go, slide the feet back out, straightening your knees back into your starting position. As you do these, try to keep your hips level with your shoulders (don’t sit your bum onto your heels as you slide the feet in; engage your right sidebody to keep them lifted).

Twisted Pike | In a plank position, feet on a towel, hands stacked under shoulders on an exercise mat, cross your right foot in front of the left and drop your heels so that you’re heel-to-toe with toes pointing towards the left. You’ll twist through the waist, slightly lowering your right hip to do so. This is your starting position. Maintaining this leg position and keeping your knees straight, pike your hips slowly up into the air. When you’ve reached your peak, slowly lower back down to that twisted plank starting position. 

Combo Twisted Bear + Pike on Forearms | Combo the two previous moves down in a forearm plank position (right foot still crossed in front of left).

Block 2 (left)

Block 3 (left)


One move, 30 seconds. The purpose is to center the core work and stabilize (I hate ending on one side of the body!).

Over-Under Towel Crunch | Start sitting on your tailbone holding the towel by its ends outstretched in front of you. Legs are extended out straight and hovering a few inches off the floor, torso is leaning back at an angle. Crunch your knees and chest up and in towards each other and as you do, scoop the towel under your feet. Extend back out to starting position, now with the towel under your legs. Continue crunching, bringing the towel over and under your legs as you go.

15-Minute Towel Core Workout - a mix of sliding plank work and kneeling core exercises

WEARING | leggings c/o Sweaty Betty (old but shop current selection here) // Lucy tank (old but shop current selection here)

Since this workout is like a megaformer ab series without the megaformer (kinda?), I figured I’d share my teaching schedule next week for any local readers/Btoners–I’m subbing a ton!

TUES 5:45 AM / 6:40 AM / 7:35 AM / 12 PM North End

WED 6 AM / 6:55 AM / 7:50 AM Back Bay

THURS 6 AM / 6:55 AM Back Bay + 6:20 PM / 7:15 PM North End

FRI 6 AM / 6:55AM North End

SAT 8 AM / 9 AM Back Bay

Sign up for a class HERE! And no one text me after 8:30 pm next week … I’ll be sleeping. 😉


Stair Pyramid Workout

Stair Pyramid Workout - bodyweight exercises and stair sprints

Heads up: If you’re local, make sure to read through to the bottom of this post–I’m giving away a bib to run the Falmouth Road Race!

This workout was a no-brainer–I have to take advantage of the stairs in my apartment while I’m here! No equipment is needed and you can get creative–if you don’t have a staircase, you could go outside and replace the stair sprints with hill sprints and just use a bench for the other exercises.

Stair Pyramid Workout

You’ll complete 10 reps of each exercise, then 9, then 8, and so on, finishing with one rep of each exercise. Go through the pyramid circuit as quickly as you can without sacrificing proper form.

Stair Pyramid Workout - bodyweight exercises and stair sprints

Stair Hop Burpees | Start standing about a foot and a half away from the bottom of your stairs. From here, squat down, bringing your hands to the floor. Hop your feet back out into a plank. Hop them back up towards your hands, releasing your hands from the floor and coming upright into a low squat position. From here, hop both feet onto the bottom step, landing in a low squat and quickly jump back down to the floor in your starting position. That’s one rep.

Stair Step Taps (RIGHT) | Start with your right foot on the second step and your left foot on the floor. Squat down, sliding your hips back as you bend your knees. Your goal is to stay this low on the right side throughout the entire exercise. From this starting position, shift your bodyweight into that right heel and tap your left foot to the first step, back down to the floor, to the second step, and back down to the floor. That combo is one rep.


Stair Step Taps (LEFT)

Stair Push Ups | This is just a traditional push up but with your feet on a step. The higher the step, the harder the push up.

Stair Sprints | Sprint up, jog down. That’s one rep. On the even-rep rounds (10, 8, 6, 4, 2), take the stairs two at a time on the way up. On the odd-rep rounds (9, 7, 5, 3, 1), take the stairs one at a time as you run up.


Stair Workout - wearing Booty by Brabants leggings & Athleta tank

WEARING | tank c/o Athleta (old – shop current selection here) // Booty by Brabants leggings // sneakers c/o PUMA

Enjoy your day! I went to see Guns ‘N Roses last night at Gillette Stadium so I’m off to a slow start–totally worth it though! I rarely go to Patriots games because Gillette is such a pain to get to but to see Slash and Axl in person … hell yes I’ll sit in traffic until 1AM.

And before I end this post, I’ve got an exciting giveaway for local readers!

Falmouth Road Race Giveaway


One lucky reader will win:

Enter using the widget below. Winner will be randomly selected this Friday.

a Rafflecopter giveaway
I’ve run the Falmouth Road Race once before and it’s so fun! Great excuse to get down to the Cape for the weekend (as if you need one). 😉

Good luck!


12-Minute Bodyweight Tabata Workout Series: Full Body

12-minute bodyweight tabata workout

I hope you guys have enjoyed this bodyweight tabata series! I really wanted to get all five workouts posted by the end of the week and here we are pushing 11PM on Sunday … what can I say, I’ve always worked best under pressure. 😉

12-Minute Bodyweight Tabata Workout Series: Full Body

This workout is made up of three tabata supersets. For each tabata superset, set an interval timer for 8 rounds of 20 seconds of work and 10 seconds of rest. During the work intervals, you’ll alternate between the two exercises. In other words: 20 seconds Exercise 1 / 10 seconds rest / 20 seconds Exercise 2 / 10 seconds rest and so on. Rest as needed between tabata supersets, but try to limit it to 60 seconds if possible.

Full-Body & Cardio Tabata Workout - 12 minute long and made up of three tabata supersets of bodyweight exercises

Tabata Superset 1

Breakdancer Kickthroughs | These are a little tricky to explain in words, so definitely watch the video (fast forward to about the 30-second mark). Start on all-hours, hands and balls of the feet on the floor. From here, you’re going to lift your left hand as you kick your right leg through, twisting your body upright so that you’re now facing up with your right hand and left foot on the ground as a base, your right leg extended out at a hover. Reverse the movement and flip it over to the other side. Continue side to side. I know, that made no sense. Just watch the damn video. 😉

Forearm Plank Hops | Start in a forearm plank (elbows stacked underneath shoulders, core pulled in tight—don’t let your low back sag or your butt stick up in the air). From here, hop your feet in unison to the right, back to center, to the left, and back to center. While you hop, try to hold your body in a straight line, not letting your bum pike up into the air.

Tabata Superset 2

Jump Lunge-Jump Lunge-Jump Squat | Jump lunge, jump lunge, jump squat, jump lunge, jump lunge, jump squat–that’s the pattern for this combo. Start in a lunge position, both knees bent to opposing 90-degree angles. From here, do two jump lunges, switching the front foot each time. Next time you jump, land in a squat position. Do a jump squat. Jump back into your lunge position and start from the top.

Speed Skaters | These are like side-to-side leaping curtsy lunges. Leap to the right, landing on your right foot and bending down to touch the ground by your foot with your left hand as you swoop your left foot behind the right (think of a curtsy). Come up, leaping left and reversing the move. Keep it going quickly, back and forth, trying to never let that back foot come to rest on the ground—keep the weight in the foot you land on.

Tabata Superset 3

Jump Tuck Burpees | This is a traditional burpee with a jump tuck instead of a basic overhead jump. From a standing position, squat down, bringing your hands to the floor. Hop your feet back into a plank position. Quickly hop them back up towards your hands. Do a jump tuck. For the jump tuck: Jump up into the air, using your core to pull your knees up towards your chest. Lower them quickly in time to land. You’ll want to bend your knees, sinking into a squat to prep for the jump, and you’ll land this same way, sinking into a squat to absorb the landing. As you jump up bring your hands in front of your rib cage and try to hit them with your knees.

Marching Plank Push Ups (alternate) | Start in a plank position, wrists stacked under shoulders. Lower onto your right forearm (keep your left hand planted right where it is, bending into that left elbow so that you can lower). As soon as your right forearm hits the ground, push into the left hand to press back up to straight arms in your starting plank position. Try to keep your hips level as you do this marching plank. To achieve that, you’ve got to bend into the stationary arm (don’t keep your left arm straight as you lower onto the right forearm). Isolate one side each round (so in total you’ll do it twice to the right, twice to the left).

This workout clearly kicked my butt:

12-minute bodyweight tabata workout

WEARING | Fabletics tank // leggings c/o Eddie Bauer // bra c/o Lululemon // Nike sneakers

Cheers to a productive, healthy week ahead!
