Pumpkin Cookie Dough Pops Dipped in Chocolate and Graham Cracker Crumbs

Pumpkin Cookie Dough Pops Dipped in Chocolate and Graham Cracker CrumbsSorry, guys, I’m such a dick for posting these on a Monday. Especially a Monday in January when everyone is still on their New Year’s resolution kick. But these pumpkin cookie dough pops are delicious in the worst way possible and hey, every once in a while you need to take a break from liquefied kale and eat dessert. And not some vegan, gluten-free, sugar-free, non-GMO, locally grown faux dessert that’s been blessed by an aging hippie and coated in natural enzymes to help with digestion. I’m talking about dessert. Butter. Sugar. More sugar. Chocolate.Pumpkin Cookie Dough Pops Dipped in Chocolate and Graham Cracker Crumbs

I made these for Thanksgiving and wow. Just wow. They’re dangerously good. Make them only on special occasions and when you have a bunch of people around to help you eat them. Otherwise, you’ll end up downing pretty much the whole batch in an embarrassingly short timeframe like I did. Whoopsies.Pumpkin Cookie Dough Pops Dipped in Chocolate and Graham Cracker Crumbs

Because it’s always fun to defeat the purpose of having a health & fitness blog, I give you this super unhealthy recipe adapted from Minimalist Baker:


Pumpkin Cookie Dough Pops Dipped in Chocolate and Graham Cracker CrumbsWhile we’re at it, I’ll throw it out there that these pops are also delicious when mixed in a bowl of vanilla ice cream. Enjoy! Or, pin the recipe and enjoy a month from now when you’ve decided New Year’s resolutions are over-rated. 🙂


How to Cook Spaghetti Squash (My Favorite Way)

How to Cook Spaghetti SquashIs spaghetti squash not the best?! The fact that a vegetable can so effortlessly mimic and replace pasta must be proof that Mother Nature wants us to be nourished without feeling deprived. (Not that pasta is necessarily bad, but you get what I mean…)

There are tons of ways to prepare spaghetti squash—in the microwave, in the oven, cutting it in half before cooking, cutting it afterwards—there are countless variations and tricks. I wanted to share my favorite way to prepare it—it’s not the quickest, but has been my go-to for years.

How to Cook Spaghetti Squash in the Oven

STEP 1 | Cut the spaghetti squash in half, lengthwise.

If you have a large squash, this can be a challenge, but just think of it as your upper-body workout for the day. 🙂 I typically start by inserting a large knife in the center of the squash, pushing down and working outwards to the ends. Don’t worry if your halves come out a little uneven—the squash will naturally want to split a little to one side of the stem.

How to Cook Spaghetti Squash

STEP 2 | Remove the guts with a spoon.

Scrape out all the seeds and strings.

How to Cook Spaghetti Squash

STEP 3 | Olive oil, salt and pepper.

Brush the insides of the spaghetti squash with a little oil and sprinkle with salt and pepper. If you don’t have a kitchen brush, just drizzle the olive oil and smooth over with the backside of a spoon.

How to Cook Spaghetti Squash

STEP 4 | Place the seasoned squash halves facedown in a glass pan.

How to Cook Spaghetti Squash

STEP 5 | Roast it in the oven for 40 minutes at 375 degrees Fahrenheit.

If your spaghetti squash is large, keep it in the oven for an additional 10-20 minutes (really big squashes will need a full hour).

How to Cook Spaghetti Squash

STEP 6 | Flip halves face-up and let cool for 5 minutes.

How to Cook Spaghetti Squash

STEP 7 | Use a fork to remove the “spaghetti” strands.

Gently scrape a fork along the inside of the squash halves to remove the meat—it’ll easily come away in spaghetti strands. I hold the back of the squash up with an oven mitt or dishtowel (it’s usually still hot!) and position the bottom up against the pan side so that it stays in place while I scrape out the spaghetti.

How to Cook Spaghetti Squash

Top with your favorite pasta sauce or mix in some cooked veggies and you’ve got yourself a delicious spaghetti squash meal! I love stirring in some pesto and sprinkling with shaved parmesan cheese. Leftovers will keep well in the refrigerator for several days—just reheat in the microwave before eating (I will even eat spaghetti squash cold sometimes).

How do you cook spaghetti squash? And what’s your favorite sauce or topping with it?

And because I’m a slave to my Pinterest addiction, here are the instructions condensed into one pictorial:

How to Cook Spaghetti SquashAaand I’ll stop now.


Zesty Lemon Artichoke Hummus

Zesty Lemon Artichoke Hummus - This delicious hummus makes for the perfect dip or sandwich spread. #hummus #hummusrecipe #vegan #plantbased

I’ve always enjoyed hummus, but since switching to a low-dairy diet (you can read more about that here), I’ve really come to love it. I use hummus on sandwiches instead of cheese, and when it comes to dips and cracker toppers, I don’t even miss dairy as long as I have a bowl of hummus. This lemon artichoke hummus is a current favorite!

For search engine optimization, I’m supposed to talk for 300 words about this hummus but … how?! I truly don’t know how food bloggers do it. I guess I’m just not a foodie? Don’t get me wrong, I really enjoy cooking and coming up with these recipes, but I just can’t talk about food for more than a couple sentences. This hummus is yummy. If you like lemons and you like artichokes, you’ll enjoy it. Here’s the recipe lol.

Zesty Lemon Artichoke Hummus - This delicious hummus makes for the perfect dip or sandwich spread. #hummus #hummusrecipe #vegan #plantbased

This zesty lemon artichoke hummus recipe packs a big punch with the flavor profile—we’re talking garlic, lemon and cayenne pepper. It’s amazing. But if you prefer a milder taste, just use 1 garlic clove instead of 2 and 1/8 tsp of cayenne pepper (or none at all). You could also use 4 tbsp lemon juice instead of 6, but may need to add more olive oil to counter the texture. After doing some Internet recipe research, I adapted mine from this one and this one.

Zesty Lemon Artichoke Hummus - This delicious hummus makes for the perfect dip or sandwich spread. #hummus #hummusrecipe #vegan #plantbased

If you’re looking for more hummus recipes, I’ve got a plethora! Here are some of my favorites from the archives:

I like making a batch of hummus at the beginning of the week to have on hand as a quick snack. Baby carrots are my go-to hummus vehicle. But this lemon artichoke hummus would be great with pita chips, crackers or other veggie sticks.

xo Nicole