Roasted Sweet Potato Hummus

This roasted sweet potato hummus is a delicious twist on the traditional. Use it as a dip or sandwich spread.

This roasted sweet potato hummus recipe was originally posted to the blog in 2013, but was deserving of new photography so I’m re-publishing it today with new text and pictures. I eat it with pita chips, fruit (apple slices + this hummus = heaven) and veggies, and also spread it on sandwiches like this one.


This roasted sweet potato hummus is a delicious twist on the traditional. Use it as a dip or sandwich spread. This roasted sweet potato hummus is a delicious twist on the traditional. Use it as a dip or sandwich spread.

This is one of those snacks I make so often I don’t even need to look at the recipe anymore. It’s so yummy! Hummus is something I always have in the refrigerator and while I don’t make my own every week, when I do, 9 times out of 10 it’s this roasted sweet potato version.

For everyone with today off, hope you’re enjoying a fun long weekend! The weather has been uh-mazing these last couple days! I’m down in New Jersey visiting Joe’s family, but we’re heading back to Boston later today.

Do you have a favorite hummus variation? 


Full Body HIIT Workout – No Equipment Needed (15 Mins)

Happy Valentine’s Day! This morning Crane + Lion stopped by Btone to surprise my last class of the day with free leggings–how sweet is that?? Everyone got to pick out a pair in the color and size of their choice. Talk about a great start to V-Day!

Full Body HIIT Workout – No Equipment Needed (15 Mins)

This workout is split into three tabatas. A tabata is 8 rounds of 20 seconds of work and 10 seconds of rest. We’ll alternate between two exercises during each tabata. To finish the tabatas, we’ll hold a 60-second plank, moving between hands and forearms every 15 seconds. In total, this workout will take you 15 minutes.

15-Minute HIIT Workout - total body, no equipment needed. You'll do three tabatas with planks after each

Tabata 1

  • Breakdancer Kicks | Start on all fours, hands under shoulders, knees under hips and hovering (plant the balls of your feet on the floor and lift the knees a couple inches). From here, you’re going to kick your right leg across your body to the left as you flip your torso to face the ceiling and take your left hand off the floor. Twist back through center and immediately over to the other side, kicking your left foot across your body and you flip and take your right hand off the floor. Confused? Watch the video for a visual; it’ll help more than a written explanation.
  • Low Push Up with Jacks | Start in a plank position with hands under shoulders. From here, rock forward a couple inches so that your hands are under the rib cage. Bend your elbows to 90 degrees and hold low push up position. From here, jump your feet out wide and then back in together. If you have the upper body strength, press right back up to straight arms. Otherwise, drop your knees to the floor, straighten the arms, and then lift the knees back up to starting position.

60-sec Plank

Start in a high plank position and every 15 seconds switch to a forearm plank or back to high plank.

Tabata 2

  • Sprinter Lunge Hop | Start in a low lunge with your right foot forward and your left fingertips on the floor. From here, stand up, bringing your back left knee up and into your chest as you hop off the right foot. Land softly on the right foot, shooting your left leg right back behind you inot a low lunge. Alternate sides each work interval.
  • Clock Crunches | Start in a seated position with your fingertips lightly on the ground behind you for support. Extend your legs straight out. From here, keeping your legs straight, you’re going to circle them over to the side, up, down to the other side and back down to a hover. Think of your feet as the hands on a clock. At 6 o’clock, your torso will be reclined back at a hover; at 12 o’clock, you’ll lift and crunch your torso up and in, bringing your body into a “v” shape. Fair warning: these can be uncomfortable if you have tight hips (bend your knees slightly to make it more manageable). Alternate directions each work interval.

60-sec Plank

Start in a high plank position and every 15 seconds switch to a forearm plank or back to high plank.

Tabata 3

  • Squat Jack to Plank | Starting in a low squat position with feet wider than hip’s width, jump your feet in close together (stay low!) and then back out wide. Next bring your hands to the ground as you jump your feet back into a plank. Jump the feet back up to the outsides of your hands, landing in a low, wide squat.
  • Lunge Stomps | Start in a low lunge position with your right foot forward, knee bent at 90 degrees and stacked directly over your ankle. Ball of the left foot is planted on the floor behind you, leg is long but knee is soft. From here, you’re going to press off the right heel as you shift your weight into the back left foot enough to lift your right foot off the ground, slightly kicking it forward in the air before landing back down in that starting low lunge position. The slight outward kick will help you land in a knee-safe position with the right heel stacked under the knee (you don’t want the knee to ever be farther forward than the toes). Alternate sides each work interval.

60-sec Plank

Start in a high plank position and every 15 seconds switch to a forearm plank or back to high plank.

WEARING | leggings c/o Sweaty Betty (old but Terez has a similar marble print) // adidas neo sneakers

If you have Valentine’s plans today, I hope they’re wonderful! Nothing fancy planned over here, but I think Joe and I might venture into Chinatown in search of cheap foot rubs tonight. #romance

Links to outfit details are affiliate.

Spinach-Packed Turmeric Egg Bake

This turmeric egg bake is packed with spinach and shredded sweet potatoes for an easy, flavorful make-ahead breakfast.

This turmeric egg bake is packed with spinach and shredded sweet potato, and while it’s not the most photogenic of meals, I promise the delicious taste makes up for the appearance. I’m sure a lot of you have Super Bowl food on the brain today rather than healthy breakfast meal prep, but this is a good recipe to pin for later. It’s easy to put together and you can store it in the refrigerator to have breakfast ready to go the next couple days.This turmeric egg bake is packed with spinach and shredded sweet potatoes for an easy, flavorful make-ahead breakfast.


This turmeric egg bake is packed with spinach and shredded sweet potatoes for an easy, flavorful make-ahead breakfast. This turmeric egg bake is packed with spinach and shredded sweet potatoes for an easy, flavorful make-ahead breakfast.

That’s all for me, folks! Enjoy your Super Bowl Sunday and GO PATS! (Says the girl who hasn’t watched a single game all season…)