Upper Body Workout: Endurance Burn-Out + Strength Exercises

Arm Workout (Biceps + Triceps) - This workout challenges both strength and endurance by using light weights with high reps for a burn-out and following that up with heavier dumbbell exercisesThis upper body workout combines high-rep, low-weight exercises with low(er)-rep, high(er) weight exercises for a taste of both endurance and strength (the two aren’t mutually exclusive). While I think the upper body moves you do in barre and spin classes with the 2-lb weights are challenging, I also think you need to be doing some form of strength training with heavier weights as well. And that could look like a lot of things! It might mean super heavy olympic lifting, but it also might mean dumbbells, kettlebells, med balls and even bodyweight exercises (push ups, pull ups, etc.).

If you need to do 100 reps of something to feel fatigued, that’s an exercise in muscular endurance and you’re definitely achieving a burn-out, but it’s not as effective at building strength. Any time Joe and I do a spin class together, for example, he dies during the arm song with the 2-lb weights and high rep numbers and has to drop his arms several times (sorry, calling you out, Joe!! haha) while I bang through it fairly easily. Does that mean I’m stronger than Joe? LOLLOLLOL

No. Not even close.

So for this workout, you’ll use a set of light weights for a series of small, high-rep exercises, and once the burnout is achieved, you’ll switch to heavier weights to target the same muscle group.

Endurance + Strength Arm Workout (Biceps + Triceps)

Equipment I Used:

  • Light hand weights (2-5lbs) — I’m using 2 lbs, which was PLENTY heavy for the triceps section but I probably could have done 3-4 lbs for the biceps. If you have access to multiple hand weights, go a pound or two heavier for the bis than tris.
  • Medium-heavy dumbbells (8-20lbs) — I’m using a pair of 10-lb dumbbells. My upper body isn’t very strong so I’m setting the suggested weight on these pretty wide.

Arm Workout (Biceps + Triceps) - This workout challenges both strength and endurance by using light weights with high reps for a burn-out and following that up with heavier dumbbell exercises

Explanations of the exercises below the pictorial.

Arm Workout (Biceps + Triceps) - This workout challenges both strength and endurance by using light weights with high reps for a burn-out and following that up with heavier dumbbell exercises


LIGHT WEIGHTS | 20 seconds each x3 without rest

  • Biceps Curl (elbows lifted) | Keeping the elbows lifted at armpit-shoulder height, curl the weights into your shoulders and then extend the arms back out straight. Keep these quick but tight–really squeeze as you curl in and out. With the elbows lifted like this, you’ll feel your shoulders burn a bit as well. Expect the first round of these to feel fairly easy (it’ll build by the end of the three minutes, I promise!).
  • Biceps Extended Pulse | Hold the arms extended at chest height, palms up, soft bend to the elbows. Pulse the arms up an inch or two and down.
  • Biceps Extended Circle Taps | Arms still extended, palms up, soft bend to elbows, squeeze the weights and hit them together forming a small circle with the weights (hit high, hit low). Really slam the things together to ensure you’re squeezing your arms tight.


HEAVY WEIGHTS | 30 seconds work / 10 seconds rest x9 (three times through the exercises)

  • Biceps Curls | Start standing, one dumbbell in each hand, arms down by your sides with the palms facing in. From here, curl the weights up to your shoulders, rotating as you curl so that palms face your body at the top of the curl. If you need to modify, do one at a time.
  • Hammer Curls | Same as above except no rotation: palms face in towards each other the entire range of motion.
  • Circle Curls | Start standing holding a weight in each hand, palms facing front. From this starting position, curl the weights up and over to the right in a circular shape. At the top of the contraction, weights will be up at your chest (12 o’clock if we’re thinking of the motion as hands on a clock. From there, slowly lower the weights down and over the left, ending back in your starting position. Every time your hands reach this point (6 o’clock), you’ll switch directions so that the next circular curl is up and over to the left, down and over to the right. Forearms should stay parallel to each other as you do this; elbows stay locked in tight by your bottom ribs.


LIGHT WEIGHTS | 20 seconds each x3 without rest

For all three of these exercises, you’re standing with your torso hinged forward (flat back, butt back, knees slightly bent). Arms are extended behind you.

  • Straight Arm Lifts (palms up) | Keeping the arms straight and as high behind you as you can, pulse them up and down.
  • Triceps Taps (palms up) | Keeping the arms lifted behind you (higher than your back), hit them together squeezing your arms in towards each other.
  • Bend-Stretch (palms in) | Rotate your thumbs down, palms facing each other. From here softly bend the elbows and then squeeze the arms straight again (bend and stretch). You really need to squeeze the arms as straight as possible–you’ll feel a big burn from this tiny pulsing movement.

Triceps – STRENGTH

HEAVY WEIGHTS | 30 seconds work / 10 seconds rest x9 (three times through the exercises)

  • Overhead Triceps Extension | Start with a dumbbell in each hand, arms overhead, palms facing in and dumbbells held together (press them into each other). From this starting position, bend the elbows as you lower your hands and weights behind your head. Contract the triceps to then extend the weights back up overhead to starting position. As you do this exercises, hold the upper arms in towards the side of your head; elbows shouldn’t bow out to the sides in a diamond shape. To modify, just use one weight in both hands.
  • Triceps Kickbacks | Hinge your torso forward and row your elbows back–this is your starting position. From here, kick your weights back, straightening the arms behind you. Bend at the elbows to return to starting position. To modify, alternate arms.
  • Single-Weight Lifts | Essentially the same movement from the endurance section but using a heavy weight. Hold a dumbbell behind your back with one end in each hand. Leaning forward with your torso (flat back) start with the weight resting on your bum and lift it a few inches up into the air before tapping it back down. 

Arm Workout (Biceps + Triceps) - This workout challenges both strength and endurance by using light weights with high reps for a burn-out and following that up with heavier dumbbell exercises


I filmed this workout yesterday and my arms are definitely feeling it this morning (holy biceps)! Let me know what you think in the comments if you give it a try. And don’t forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel. I really enjoyed this format and am thinking of doing another like it focusing on shoulders–thoughts? 🙂


Links to some outfit details are affiliate. A “c/o” indicates the item was gifted to me by the brand (courtesy of).

15-Minute Lower Body Resistance Band Loop Superset Workout

Resistance Band Loop Superset Workout -- focus is on butt & thighs, only 15 minutes longThis whole YouTube thing has been quite the learning experience. I got a wireless mic so that I could stop doing voiceovers (the mic on my digital camera just does NOT cut it), and it’s a huge advancement, but with it has come a whole new set of challenges. It picks my voice up clearly which is great but it also picks up my breathing which, halfway through these workouts, is much like that of Darth Vader. And then there’s the struggle of securely attaching the mic to my clothes without it slipping out or getting in the way. Not sure if this workout video is a step forward or back, but it’s been fun for me to self-learn the video-making process. I appreciate you all bearing with my not-so-professional videos. One day they’ll be kickass and I’ll look back on these first months and laugh … I hope. 😉

15-Minute Lower Body Resistance Band Loop Superset Workout

Equipment I Used:

  • Interval timer – I used this iPhone app but if you’re looking for a separate timer, the Gymboss MiniMax lets you create multiple-interval workouts
  • Resistance band loop – I recently bought this set of five loops so that’d I’d have a variety of resistance loads to choose from (only $10) and am using the heaviest option for this workout
  • Exercise mat
  • Something to help you balance (chair, wall, table, etc.)

A superset is two exercises performed back-to-back. There are lots of ways to couple moves; today we’re going to pair a high(er) impact move (think big movements and jumping) with a smaller, more controlled pulse or lift. For each superset: Exercise 1 for 30 seconds + Exercise 2 for 30 seconds + Rest for 10 seconds x4. Don’t rest between exercises in the set. Once you finish four rounds of the first superset, move onto the second (rest for 30 seconds in between supersets).

Resistance Band Loop Superset Workout -- focus is on butt & thighs, only 15 minutes long


30 seconds each exercise back to back + rest 10 seconds after finishing both moves x4

  • Squat Jacks | Start in a low squat position with feet wide, band around your thighs above your knees. Staying low in a squat, jump your feet in close together and then jump your feet out wide again to the starting position. Every time your feet jump wide, touch the floor with your hand, alternating hands each time. This just keeps you in check to ensure you’re staying low.
  • Hip Bridge – alternate between dips and pulses | Each time you come to this move, alternate between a full range hip bridge dip and a bridge hold at the top with a little pulse combo. For the dip: lay on your back, heels under your knees and lift your hips up into a bridge position and then back down to a hover. Actively press out against the band as you do this. Squeeze into the base of your seat as you lift the hips, rather than just arching the low back. For the pulse combo, hold the hip bridge at the top and pulse the knees out wide and then the hips up high, back and forth.


30 seconds each exercise back to back + rest 10 seconds after finishing both moves x4

  • Side to Side Step with Squat Jump | Start in a low squat and staying low, step to the right three times, do a jump squat, land low and repeat, stepping to the left this time. You want to keep tension on the bungee as you do these so don’t let your knees come together too narrowly.
  • Standing Angled Leg Lift (alternate legs each round)| Stand facing a chair/bar/wall and place your hands lightly on it for support. Lean forward slightly with your upper body, keeping your core engaged (this is going to help you stay out of your low back and more easily target the glutes). From here, lift your right leg up and back, keeping the leg straight. Rotate your thigh bone outward so that toes angle out. Square your hips so that both hip bones point forward. From here, lift your right leg up and back. This will be a relatively small movement. Make sure your standing knee is soft and not locked out.


30 seconds each exercise back to back + rest 10 seconds after finishing both moves x4

  • Cowboy Walk (4 up, 4 back) with Squat Jump | Picture how cowboys walk in the old movies, kinda swinging their legs out as they step forward. You’re going to do that staying low in a squat. Walk four steps forward, four steps backwards, and then do a jump squat, landing back down low and starting from the top.
  • Clamshell (alternate legs each round) | Lay on your side and rest your head on your bottom arm. You want a straight spine so squeeze the core, lifting the waist away from the floor a bit. Bend your knees at about a 45 degree angle and keeping the toes touching, rotate the top knee up and open. Keep your hips stacked one on top of the other as you do this (it’s really easy to roll open–don’t!). This should be a small movement, keeping tension on the resistance band the entire time.

Resistance Band Loop Superset Workout -- focus is on butt & thighs, only 15 minutes long

WEARING | leggings c/o Nualime (also love this twisted floral pattern) // Nike tank // adidas sneakers

Let me know if you try this workout! And back to YouTube–who are your favorite YouTubers to follow?? I need suggestions!


Links to outfit details are affiliate. I appreciate your support! 🙂

12-Minute Full-Body Slider Workout (+Giveaway!)

12-Minute Full Body Slider Workout -- low impact but CHALLENGING! I have a challenging workout for you guys today (my legs were quivering by the end!) and a giveaway to reward you for your efforts. 🙂 Daniel Glass water bottle giveaway - glass & bpa-free

I’ve teamed up with daniel glass on today’s post and one lucky winner will get one of their super cute glass water bottles. They come in a bunch of different fun colors and are BPA-free, which is so important. The colorful silicon sleeve that’s wrapped around the glass makes the bottle easy to grip during sweaty workouts.

So yes, there are lots of other BPA-free glass water bottles out there, but what got me excited to work with daniel glass is that the company donates 10% of its proceeds to ocean pollution clean-up charities. I love it when companies give back!

Enter to win. If you win you’ll get to pick out the water bottle color of your choice. You’ll notice they all have fun names–I had to go with Fuchsia AF because “AF” is my favorite unit of measurement. 😉 The below link will bring you to the entry page. You’ll just need to enter in an email address so that daniel glass can contact you (so to be clear, I’m not collecting your email address, DG is).


The winner will be chosen October 31st.Daniel Glass water bottle giveaway - glass & bpa-free

Alright now that we’ve covered hydration, it’s time to get your game face on for today’s workout …

12-Minute Full-Body Slider Workout

Equipment I Used

  • Sliders (dish towel works for hardwood floors and paper plates work on carpet)

This workout flows one move right into the next–it’s short, but it is continuous work with the exception of a 30-second breather in the middle. Think of the sequence as being broken up into three progressions. With the progressions, we add in moves every 30 seconds, building up a combo, and then take away moves in a similar fashion. Writing out the description makes it sound confusing so I’d highly recommend just following along with the video or at least watching it before doing the workout on your own–everything will make much more sense! That being said, here’s the general flow:

  1. Lunge Slides –> Lunge Slides + Crunch –> Crunch
  2. Lunge –> Lunge + Swan Dive –> Lunge + Swan Dive + Single Leg Bear –> Swan Dive + Single Leg Bear –> Single Leg Bear
  3. Twisted Push Ups –> Twisted Push Ups + Thread the Needle Pike –> Thread the Needle Pike

12-Minute Full Body Slider Workout -- low impact but CHALLENGING! Follow along with the video to get the whole flow of the sequence.

This workout is no joke–I was trembling getting through the second side. That being said, if you need to take more breaks, just pause the video occasionally. Listen to your body–remember there’s a difference between hurts so good and hurts. As with any workout, make sure to warm up beforehand.  12-Minute Full Body Slider Workout -- low impact but CHALLENGING!

WEARING | Movement Intuition Leggings by Free People c/o Shopbop // Nike Sports bra (old but this bra top is similar) // Adidas neo sneakers (also love these similar all-white sneakers from Nike)

Let me know how it goes if you try this workout! Were your legs burning as much as mine were?? And good luck to everyone entering the giveaway!


This post was sponsored by daniel glass. All opinions–as always!–are my own. I appreciate your support of the brands that make this blog possible. 🙂