Standing Core Workout

Standing Core Workout - this 20-minute workout will challenge your core stability with standing ab exercises

I’m using a medicine ball for today’s workout, but you could use a dumbbell or other weighted object if you don’t have one. I’m calling this a core workout, but your arms and legs will be feeling it as well–especially if you use a heavier weight. There are two bodyweight exercises thrown into the circuit purposely to give your arms a little breather in the event upper body fatigue is hindering the core work.

While I wouldn’t say this workout is “easy” (the first two sets especially are tough!), I’d consider it easier than some of the other core workouts I’ve shared. It’s a good one if you’re a beginner (just chose a light med ball or even just bodyweight) or have mobility impairments preventing you from comfortably getting down to the floor for crunches and other supine ab exercises.

20-Minute Standing Core Workout

Equipment I Used:

  • Medicine ball (I shot the workout with a 6-lb med ball because it’s all I have at home but would have liked to challenge myself with a 10-lb–next time!)

The structure of this workout is a time pyramid. Each time you go through the circuit you’ll stay on the exercises for less time. Here’s the breakdown:

60 seconds each exercise
60 seconds rest
45 seconds each exercise
45 seconds rest
30 seconds each exercise
30 seconds rest
15 seconds each exercise

Try not to rest in between exercises. Only rest as specified above (after a full set). In total, this workout will take you 20 minutes to complete. The goal is to complete as many reps of the exercise as possible in the specified time interval. That being said, never sacrifice proper form for the sake of speed!

As with all workouts, make sure to warm up beforehand. Always listen to your body and modify when needed.

Standing Core Workout - this 20-minute workout will challenge your core stability with standing ab exercises (follow-along video included!)

Marching Front Chop | Start standing with arms straight, med ball held overhead. Keeping your arms straight, you’re going to chop the ball down in front of you as you lift one knee up towards it (as if you were going to spike the ball off your knee). Raise the ball back overhead as you lower the foot back to the floor and repeat on the other side.

Crossbody Woodchop RIGHT | You want a wide stance for this one with both feet pointing forward. With the lower body, I want you to think side lunge; with the upper body think of tracing a diagonal line with the medicine ball.. Start with the legs straight, med ball held in straight arms up and overhead to the left (you want your torso twisted so that you’re facing the left side of the room). Keeping the arms straight, chop the med ball down towards your right foot as you bend into the right knee (remember, think side lunge) and twist to face the right side of the floor. Reverse the movement back to the starting position.

Crossbody Woodchop LEFT

Standing Bicycle Crunch | Start standing with feet a little wider than hip’s width apart, chest open, fingertips behind the ears and elbows out wide. From this starting position, you’re going to crunch the right elbow down and across your body to touch the opposite knee, which you’ll bend and lift up towards it, squeezing your low abs. Don’t worry if you can’t make physical contact between the knee and elbow; focus on pulling your core in tight and just get them as close as possible. Return to starting position and repeat to the other side.

Torso Twist to Front Chop in Lunge RIGHT | Start in a lunge position with your right foot forward; ball of the left foot planted behind you. Feet should be hip’s width apart (you’re not walking on a tight rope–you want a stable base!). If joint mobility allows, you want to find a 90-degree bend with the front knee. Hold the med ball at chest height, arms straight in front of you. Keeping the arms straight, twist towards the right side of the room so that the ball twists over the front leg. Twist back to center and then chop the ball down towards your back knee, crunching through the core to lower it. Rise back to starting position and repeat.

Torso Twist to Front Chop in Lunge LEFT

Sumo Squat Obliques Crunches | You’ll be in a wide sumo squat position the entire time with the lower body. You want a wide squat stance with your toes pointing outward; knees track in line with the toes. Chest open, have your fingertips lightly behind your head or hovering by the ears, elbows bent out wide to the side. From here, dip your right elbow towards your right knee, contracting the right side obliques. Lift upright and over to the left. As you crunch down side to side, think of staying in a single plane of motion; don’t lean forward as you dip to the side. So picture your torso is sandwiched between two walls, one against your back and one against your chest. Stay between the walls.

Side note: Every time I do this exercise I can’t help singing “I’m a little teapot short and stout…” in my head. Please tell me someone else’s mind goes to that when doing side bend motions?? 🙂

Standing Core Workout - this 20-minute workout will challenge your core stability with standing ab exercises

WEARING | leggings c/o PRISM Sport (30% off with code ACTPERRY) // shoes c/o Puma // bra c/o Forever 21 (old but shop current selection here)

It is such a game changer living in a space that’s well lit enough to shoot videos!! I’m sad I’m only here for the summer but plan on taking full advantage of that conveniently placed concrete wall next to the windows. Let’s see how many workouts I can shoot before August 31st… 😉


Blueberry Mint Chia Seed Pudding

Blueberry Mint Chia Seed Pudding

If you follow me on Instagram, this recipe probably looks familiar. It’s become a go-to for me as the weather has warmed up so I think it’s worth sharing on the blog as well!

This blueberry mint chia seed pudding only requires five ingredients and is the perfect warm-weather breakfast or snack. Think light and refreshing–just enough sweetness without feeling like dessert.


Blueberry Mint Chia Seed Pudding

Om nom nom.


12-Minute Bodyweight Tabata Workout Series: Full Body

12-minute bodyweight tabata workout

I hope you guys have enjoyed this bodyweight tabata series! I really wanted to get all five workouts posted by the end of the week and here we are pushing 11PM on Sunday … what can I say, I’ve always worked best under pressure. 😉

12-Minute Bodyweight Tabata Workout Series: Full Body

This workout is made up of three tabata supersets. For each tabata superset, set an interval timer for 8 rounds of 20 seconds of work and 10 seconds of rest. During the work intervals, you’ll alternate between the two exercises. In other words: 20 seconds Exercise 1 / 10 seconds rest / 20 seconds Exercise 2 / 10 seconds rest and so on. Rest as needed between tabata supersets, but try to limit it to 60 seconds if possible.

Full-Body & Cardio Tabata Workout - 12 minute long and made up of three tabata supersets of bodyweight exercises

Tabata Superset 1

Breakdancer Kickthroughs | These are a little tricky to explain in words, so definitely watch the video (fast forward to about the 30-second mark). Start on all-hours, hands and balls of the feet on the floor. From here, you’re going to lift your left hand as you kick your right leg through, twisting your body upright so that you’re now facing up with your right hand and left foot on the ground as a base, your right leg extended out at a hover. Reverse the movement and flip it over to the other side. Continue side to side. I know, that made no sense. Just watch the damn video. 😉

Forearm Plank Hops | Start in a forearm plank (elbows stacked underneath shoulders, core pulled in tight—don’t let your low back sag or your butt stick up in the air). From here, hop your feet in unison to the right, back to center, to the left, and back to center. While you hop, try to hold your body in a straight line, not letting your bum pike up into the air.

Tabata Superset 2

Jump Lunge-Jump Lunge-Jump Squat | Jump lunge, jump lunge, jump squat, jump lunge, jump lunge, jump squat–that’s the pattern for this combo. Start in a lunge position, both knees bent to opposing 90-degree angles. From here, do two jump lunges, switching the front foot each time. Next time you jump, land in a squat position. Do a jump squat. Jump back into your lunge position and start from the top.

Speed Skaters | These are like side-to-side leaping curtsy lunges. Leap to the right, landing on your right foot and bending down to touch the ground by your foot with your left hand as you swoop your left foot behind the right (think of a curtsy). Come up, leaping left and reversing the move. Keep it going quickly, back and forth, trying to never let that back foot come to rest on the ground—keep the weight in the foot you land on.

Tabata Superset 3

Jump Tuck Burpees | This is a traditional burpee with a jump tuck instead of a basic overhead jump. From a standing position, squat down, bringing your hands to the floor. Hop your feet back into a plank position. Quickly hop them back up towards your hands. Do a jump tuck. For the jump tuck: Jump up into the air, using your core to pull your knees up towards your chest. Lower them quickly in time to land. You’ll want to bend your knees, sinking into a squat to prep for the jump, and you’ll land this same way, sinking into a squat to absorb the landing. As you jump up bring your hands in front of your rib cage and try to hit them with your knees.

Marching Plank Push Ups (alternate) | Start in a plank position, wrists stacked under shoulders. Lower onto your right forearm (keep your left hand planted right where it is, bending into that left elbow so that you can lower). As soon as your right forearm hits the ground, push into the left hand to press back up to straight arms in your starting plank position. Try to keep your hips level as you do this marching plank. To achieve that, you’ve got to bend into the stationary arm (don’t keep your left arm straight as you lower onto the right forearm). Isolate one side each round (so in total you’ll do it twice to the right, twice to the left).

This workout clearly kicked my butt:

12-minute bodyweight tabata workout

WEARING | Fabletics tank // leggings c/o Eddie Bauer // bra c/o Lululemon // Nike sneakers

Cheers to a productive, healthy week ahead!
