Using a stability ball while working out can take an exercise to the next difficulty level by forcing the body to balance itself while performing a given move. It’s a great piece of equipment to add to your home gym (and it can double as a good-posture-promoting desk chair!).
Click on an image to see full workout tutorial.
- 15-Minute HIIT Workout
- Core Superset Workout with the Stability Ball
- 450-Rep Workout
- Full-Body Superset Workout
Don’t see what you’re looking for? Leave a comment below with your workout request! I’m constantly putting together new workouts and love input from my readers.
Hey Nicole!
First of all I love your website…SUCH great stuff. I’m a working mom and have to fit in my workouts at home before the sun rises…your site has given me so many great ideas! I just got a BOSU ball and was hoping you could help with a great workout. Any ideas??
What timing! I was just thinking of putting together some BOSU workouts! In the meantime though, check out this recent one Gina posted on her blog: I haven’t tried it but it looks great!