HIIT Workout for Legs & Butt

HIIT Workout for Legs & Butt - no equipment needed for this 15-minute interval workout targeting legs. Video included, resistance band optional. #hiit #legworkout #workoutvideo #fitness

This HIIT workout for legs & butt will take you just 15 minutes to complete. You don’t need any equipment for it, but a resistance band loop is optional for the first two exercises.

After all the arm song workouts, I figured we’d switch up the muscle group focus this week and work the lower body. This one is challenging—you’ll notice me struggle hard during certain parts in the video.

HIIT Workout for Legs & Butt


  • Resistance band loop (optional for first two exercises) – you can do the whole thing just bodyweight

There are five exercises in this workout. You’ll do three rounds of each exercise before moving onto the next. The interval structure is 30 seconds of work / 10 seconds of rest x3. You get 30 seconds to rest before moving on to the next exercise.

After you’ve done the three sets of each exercise, you finish the workout by going through the five exercises in a circuit fashion using the 30/10 interval structure (x5).

Here’s a breakdown if that’s confusing (or just follow along with the video!):

Exercise 1: 30/10 x3
Rest 30 sec
Exercise 2: 30/10 x3
Rest 30 sec
Exercise 3: 30/10 x3
Rest 30 sec
Exercise 4: 30/10 x3
Rest 30 sec
Exercise 5: 30/10 x3
Rest 30 sec
Exercises 1-5: 30/10 x5

As with all workouts, make sure you’re properly warmed up beforehand. I have a 5-minute warm up on the blog/channel, or you could do your own. Always listen to your body, modifying or stopping as needed.

At the start of the video (1:53) I show a preview of the exercises as well as how to modify them. The modifications don’t include jumping so that those who are looking for a lower-impact workout can do this routine as well.

HIIT Workout for Legs & Butt - no equipment needed for this 15-minute interval workout targeting legs. Video included, resistance band optional. #hiit #legworkout #workoutvideo #fitness

Exercise Breakdown

See 1:53 in the above video for previews of each exercise as well as modification demos.

  • Popcorn Squats (resistance band loop optional)
  • Bear Plank Jacks to Donkey Kick (resistance band loop optional)
  • Knee Drive in Low Lunge x2 to Deadlift Kick (right)
  • Knee Drive in Low Lunge x2 to Deadlift Kick (left)
  • Sumo Squat Hops

xo Nicole

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