Vegan Burrito Bowls with Crispy Tofu & Chipotle Sauce

Vegan Burrito Bowls with Crispy Tofu & Chipotle Sauce - These yummy vegan burrito bowls are made with crispy baked tofu, corn & black bean salsa, and a dairy-free chipotle sauce. #veganrecipe #plantbasedrecipe #burritobowl #recipe

YUM! These vegan burrito bowls are delicious, and the perfect combination of some recipes I’ve shared previously on the blog. Take my crispy baked tofu and corn and black bean salsa; mix them in a bowl with rice, lettuce and avocado; and top with my dairy-free chipotle sauce. Yes, please!

Vegan Burrito Bowls

This vegan burrito bowls recipe is an amalgamation of other recipes I’ve posted. I’m going to link to them but also list out ingredients and directions so that you don’t need to have multiple tabs open.

Admittedly, there’s a lot to this one. I recommend making the chipotle sauce and salsa ahead of time (the salsa is even better the next day anyway!). I’ll even cook a bunch of rice at the start of the week so I have that on hand as well. Then, all you really need to do is bake the tofu and assemble your bowl when you’re ready to eat.

Note that the following recipe will make FOUR vegan burrito bowls. Leftovers of everything except the tofu will be great the next day and all week.

Vegan Burrito Bowls with Crispy Tofu & Chipotle Sauce - These yummy vegan burrito bowls are made with crispy baked tofu, corn & black bean salsa, and a dairy-free chipotle sauce. #veganrecipe #plantbasedrecipe #burritobowl #recipe

If you’re looking for a Taco Tuesday recipe or perhaps a Meatless Monday dish, look no further! You’re also allowed to make this on days without an alliterative theme. 😉

Similar Recipes

Vegan Burrito Bowls with Crispy Tofu & Chipotle Sauce - These yummy vegan burrito bowls are made with crispy baked tofu, corn & black bean salsa, and a dairy-free chipotle sauce. #veganrecipe #plantbasedrecipe #burritobowl #recipe

Hope you love this vegan burrito bowl recipe! I haven’t posted new recipes to the site in forever, but this quarantine is inspiring (forcing) me to get busy in the kitchen. 🙂

xo Nicole

Black Bean & Corn Salsa

Black Bean & Corn Salsa - Under 10 ingredients in this easy black bean and sweet corn salsa! #salsa #recipe #plantbased

I have a bean salsa recipe already on the blog that is absolutely delicious, but comes with a rather long ingredient list. (Don’t judge the quality of the blog post if you check it out—it’s so old!) Today’s black bean and corn salsa recipe is a simplified version of that. Under 10 ingredients, just dice, chop, mix and enjoy. Even the most novice of home chefs will find success with this one. 🙂

Black Bean & Corn Salsa

If you’re making this black bean and corn salsa for a large party or event, I’d double the ingredients as they’re listed. The portions below are perfect for me and Joe to store in the refrigerator and eat through the weekend. But if you’re entertaining, double it up!

Black Bean & Corn Salsa - Under 10 ingredients in this easy black bean and sweet corn salsa! #salsa #recipe #plantbased

You can get creative with customizing this recipe. If the majority of it is going to be consumed the day it’s made, I’ll add in some avocado. Chopped bell pepper is another good add-in. Serve with chips or as part of a build-your-own taco bar (now I’m party planning for the summer in my head).

Black Bean & Corn Salsa - Under 10 ingredients in this easy black bean and sweet corn salsa! #salsa #recipe #plantbased

Similar / Pairing Recipes

If you like this black bean and corn salsa, check these out:

  • The Bean Dip – This is the bean salsa I linked to earlier in the post. More ingredients, equally delicious.
  • Spicy Baked Tofu – Combine this spicy baked tofu with this salsa and some brown rice for a yummy taco bowl.
  • Cherry Sangria If you’re hosting a summer party, serve up this salsa and some delicious cherry sangria.
  • Pineapple Avocado Salsa – I like making this salsa as a topping for grilled fish. I don’t really eat fish, but Joe is obsessed!

Enjoy this corn salsa recipe! I think I like the next-day leftovers even better than the freshly made salsa. A little marinating over night … *chef’s kiss*

xo Nicole

Total Body Strength Circuit with 1 Heavy Weight

Total Body Strength Circuit with Single Heavy Weight - Grab a heavy dumbbell or kettlebell for this total body strength circuit. 40 seconds work / 20 seconds rest x4. #strengthtraining #strengthworkout #homeworkout #workoutvideo

Today’s total body strength circuit will require a single heavy weight (kettlebell OR dumbbell will work). There’s no jumping, so it’s quiet and apartment-friendly. And my matching short & top set is from Fabletics for anyone who cares. Do I look like a Gen Z TikToker with my tall socks, biker shorts and crop top or what??? 😂

Total Body Strength Circuit

Links to equipment are affiliate.


  • Single heavy weightdumbbell OR kettlebell, either works. I’m using both because for one exercise (the lunge row to high pull), I do prefer the high handle of the kettlebell.

There are six exercises in this workout. We’ll go through them using an interval structure of 40 seconds work / 20 seconds rest. In total, we’ll go through the circuit four times. The middle three exercises are unilateral, so we’ll alternate left / right / left / right each time through the circuit.

At the end of each completed circuit, rest for 60 seconds. The additional rest time is so that form doesn’t get sloppy in the last couple rounds. If you need longer, take it.

As with all workouts, you want to make sure you’re properly warmed up before, and always listen to your body, modifying or stopping as needed. I have two guided warm ups:

Total Body Strength Circuit with Single Heavy Weight - Grab a heavy dumbbell or kettlebell for this total body strength circuit. 40 seconds work / 20 seconds rest x4. #strengthtraining #strengthworkout #homeworkout #workoutvideo

Workout Breakdown

See 1:49 in the above video for a preview of the exercises and how to modify.

  • Goblet Squat with Pulse
  • Squat Cleans
  • High Pull to Lunge Row
  • Split Lunge Press to Squat Press
  • Windmills
  • Russian Twists

Similar Workouts

If you liked this total body strength circuit, give these similar workouts a try:

xo Nicole