Spicy Baked Tofu – Crispy!

Spicy Baked Tofu — Crispy! This easy spicy baked tofu is perfect for plant-based burrito bowls or other similar dishes. #vegan #veganrecipe #tofurecipe #tofu #plantbased

This spicy baked tofu recipe is easy to make and pairs so well with my dairy-free chipotle sauce. Add it to a burrito bowl or buddha bowl for a filling, delicious plant-based meal. Ingredients are fairly minimal. You need extra-firm tofu, olive oil, spices and corn starch. The corn starch is going to give your tofu that perfect crispy outer layer.

Spicy Baked Tofu

It’s really important that you use extra firm tofu for this recipe. This way the squares will hold up and you’ll get that crispy outer layer. I’m starting to see pre-pressed tofu in grocery stores (it comes in more of a shrink wrap package vs. a hard square container), which is the firmest tofu I’ve found. For this recipe, however, I’m using regular extra firm tofu from Nasyoa and it works just fine.

Spicy Baked Tofu — Crispy! This easy spicy baked tofu is perfect for plant-based burrito bowls or other similar dishes. #vegan #veganrecipe #tofurecipe #tofu #plantbased

If you don’t have the exact spices called for on hand, any taco seasoning mix will work. I’ve also added a tbsp of hot sauce to the recipe with good results. And while the texture isn’t as good, I have made this without the cornstarch when I haven’t had any in my kitchen, and it still works. You don’t get that even outer crunch like with the cornstarch, but it will suffice in a pinch!

Similar Recipes

If you like this spicy baked tofu recipe, check out the following:

Joe can’t stand when I cook tofu on the stovetop (the oil splatter, the smell, etc.), so baking is my go-to when he’s home! How he feels about tofu cooking is how I feel about him cooking scrambled eggs. 😉

xo Nicole

Bodyweight Home Workout (20 Mins)

Bodyweight Home Workout (20 Mins) - This total body home workout is low-impact, making it quiet and perfect if you have downstairs neighbors. Video included! #homeworkout #workoutoutathome #workoutvideo #bodyweighttraining

I’ve got another quiet bodyweight home workout for you because so many of you seem to love them! I’ve been trying to post workouts more frequently during quarantine (I think I shared 13 in April which is certainly a record for me!). This month, however, I’ll be returning to just Mondays because I’m working on an exciting project! In the next couple months, I hope to have a subscription platform up and running via Vimeo so that you can access more workouts each week, and I’ll keep you all posted on the progress.

20-Min Bodyweight Home Workout

This bodyweight home workout is broken up into two circuits. The first focuses on lower body, and the second on core and upper body. In each circuit, you’ll have four exercises. You do them for 30 seconds each, back to back, rest 30 seconds, then repeat. In total, you complete four sets of the circuit, alternating right / left / right /left.

As with all workouts, you want to make sure you’re properly warmed up before, and always listen to your body, modifying or stopping as needed. I have two guided warm ups:

Bodyweight Home Workout (20 Mins) - This total body home workout is low-impact, making it quiet and perfect if you have downstairs neighbors. Video included! #homeworkout #workoutoutathome #workoutvideo #bodyweighttraining

Workout Breakdown

CIRCUIT 1 – Lower Body

See 1:35 in the above video for a preview of the exercises.

  • Pivoting Squat Pulses – Narrow & Sumo
  • Back Lunge to Knee Drive
  • Reach ‘n Pull x2 to Deadlift
  • Squat Pulse to Calf Raise

CIRCUIT 2 – Core & Upper Body

See 12:40 in the above video for a preview of the exercises.

  • Bear Kick Through to Kick Up
  • Side Plank Lift & Crunch
  • Bicycle Crunch Low – High
  • Push Ups: 2 Down, 1 Up

Similar Workouts

If you enjoyed this bodyweight home workout, check out these similar workouts:

xo Nicole

Beginner Bodyweight Workout – Big Form Focus!

Beginner Bodyweight Workout with Big Form Focus - This beginner bodyweight workout uses a 30/15 interval structure. We'll focus on proper form in foundational exercises. Video included! #beginnerworkout #workoutvideo #bodyweightworkout

This beginner bodyweight workout focuses on foundational exercises that you see in various forms in most other workouts. We’ll dial in on proper form and get comfortable with the basics so that you can then take this work into other, more advanced workouts when you’re ready. So think squat, lunge, plank, prone work, etc.

For all my beginner-friendly workouts, check out THIS PAGE. Also keep in mind that I show modification options for almost all my workouts so that they are accessible to most levels. 🙂

Beginner Bodyweight Workout

In this beginner bodyweight workout, we’ll focus on one exercise at a time. We use an interval structure of 30 seconds work / 15 seconds of rest x3. You then rest 30 (ish) seconds before moving on to the next exercise. I say “30ish” because I try to be as thorough as possible with form cues in this workout. Sometimes the rest ends up being more like 45 seconds if you’re following the video so that we can go over proper alignment.

While this may not be the hardest workout you ever do, my hope is that you’ll learn a little something from it that you can then take into your other workouts. 🙂

As with all workouts, you want to make sure you’re properly warmed up before, and always listen to your body, modifying or stopping as needed:

Beginner Bodyweight Workout with Big Form Focus - This beginner bodyweight workout uses a 30/15 interval structure. We'll focus on proper form in foundational exercises. Video included! #beginnerworkout #workoutvideo #bodyweightworkout

Workout Breakdown

See 1:35 in the above video for a preview of all the exercises.

  • Squat
  • Back Lunge + Torso Twist
  • Repeat other side
  • Hip Bridge
  • Kneeling Side Plank Leg Lift
  • Repeat other side
  • Breaststroke Prep
  • Kneeling Plank

Similar Workouts

If you liked this beginner bodyweight workout, check these out:

xo Nicole