Med Ball HIIT Workout

Med Ball HIIT Workout (18 Mins) - Complete the circuit of exercises three times using an interval structure of 45 seconds of work and 15 seconds of rest

Before we get to this med ball HIIT workout, an embarrassing story …

For the last five years of posting workouts to this blog, I’ve used this “6-pound” medicine ball and always wondered why it was so challenging when I typically use 10 or 12-lb medicine balls when taking classes at studios. The other day I made Joe hold it and he was immediately like, “This is definitely more than 6 pounds. It’s probably 6 kilograms.”


Took me FIVE years to figure that out. I haven’t felt this dumb since the time someone asked me what the name of my nail polish was and I turned over the bottle to read the label and replied, “Peel Here.” (It was one of those labels you peel open to continue reading.)

Speaking of workout equipment, I recently joined a gym (for the first time in eight years!) and now have access to all sorts of fun stuff. It’d be weird to shoot a mic’d-up full workout video there, but I’m going to post clips to my Facebook page frequently for additional workout ideas. You won’t be able to follow along with me, but you’ll see a demonstration of each exercise and get the breakdown of the workout structure. Here’s one I posted Monday using a soft medicine ball. Be sure to like the P&I page so you don’t miss out!

Med Ball HIIT Workout

Equipment I Used:

This workout will take you 18 minutes to complete. Set an interval timer for 18 rounds of 45 seconds of work and 15 seconds of rest. Go through the circuit of exercises three times.

As with all workouts, make sure you’re properly warmed up beforehand. Always listen to your body, modifying or stopping as needed.

Med Ball HIIT Workout (18 Mins) - Complete the circuit of exercises three times using an interval structure of 45 seconds of work and 15 seconds of rest

Workout Breakdown

To see all the exercises in action, fast forward to 1:44 in the above video.

  • Soccer Taps
  • Single-Leg Overhead Hop to Squat (right)
  • Single-Leg Overhead Hop to Squat (left)
  • Full-Body Pass Crunches
  • Alternating Uneven Push Ups
  • Med Ball Burpees

xo Nicole

Links to workout equipment and outfit details are affiliate.

5-Minute Full-Body HIIT Workout (Perfect for Travel!)

5-Minute Full-Body HIIT Workout

This post was made in partnership with Hyatt Place Hotels. All opinions—as always!—are my own.

I’m so excited to share this Workout Wednesday series with you all! For many months now, I’ve been hard at work with Hyatt Place Hotels creating 10 five-minute workouts that you can do pretty much anywhere. Minimal (or no) equipment is needed, and their quick-but-effective structure means you can fit them in to even the busiest of days. If you’re looking for a longer workout, all you have to do is repeat the sequence upon completion.

It can be challenging to keep up with a workout regime while traveling—I’m sure we’ve all experienced this!—but instead of settling for a sedentary day, try squeezing in this Full-Body HIIT Workout. Hyatt Place’s roomy rooms give you plenty of space to spread out (get big during those star burpees!), so you have no excuse not to get in a quick sweat.

In addition to today’s HIIT workout, I’ll share a couple more from the Workout Wednesday series here on the blog. To get all 10 workouts, be sure to follow Hyatt Place on Facebook and Instagram. A new one will be posted each week!

5-Minute Full-Body HIIT Workout

Set an interval timer for 10 rounds of 25 seconds of work and 5 seconds of rest (or just follow along with the video if you don’t have a timer!). You’ll go through the following circuit of five exercises twice. The 5 seconds of “rest” is really just enough time to transition from one exercise to the next.

As with all workouts, make sure you’re properly warmed up beforehand. Always listen to your body, modifying or stopping as needed.

5-Minute Full-Body HIIT Workout - perfect for travel!

Plank Jack Push Ups | Start in a high plank position (hands under shoulders, feet together). From here, jack your feet out wide and then back to center. Do a push up. If you need to modify, drop to your knees for the push up and then lift them to plank for the jack.

Squat Jump & Lateral Lift | Feet shoulders width apart, do a squat jump (bend the knees, sliding your hips back and then power up into the air). Land softly back in your squat. From there, do a lateral lift, kicking your right leg up and out to the side. Repeat the squat jump and then do your lateral lift with the left leg. Continue like that, alternating sides.

Side Plank Kicks – Right | Start in a side plank position with your right hand stacked under your right shoulder. Stretch your left arm overhead and hover your left leg about a foot off the floor. From here, kick your left hand and left leg in front of your body, touching your toes with your hand if possible. Extend them back out to starting position and repeat. Try to keep the leg hovering the whole time and make sure to keep your hips lifted.

Side Plank Kicks – Left | Repeat on the other side.

Star Burpees | From a standing position, squat down, bringing your hands to the floor. Jump your feet back into a plank position. Jump feet back up towards hands and then jump into the air, stretching your arms and legs out wide. Land with feet together and squat right back down, starting your next rep.


5-Minute Full-Body HIIT Workout

Give this workout a try and let me know how it goes in the comments!

As I mentioned above, I’ll post a few of the routines from my Workout Wednesday series with Hyatt Place here on the blog, but be sure to follow @hyattplace on Instagram and Hyatt Place on Facebook to get all 10!

xo Nicole

Photography and videography by Nick Cosky.

Upper Body Resistance Band Loop Workout (Mini Band)

Upper Body Resistance Band Loop Workout (Mini Band) — This upper body burner will take you just 15 minutes to complete. Mini bands are small and easy to pack so this is a great workout to do while traveling! Full (free!) workout video included. #workout #resistanceband #fitness #upperbody

Using video stills for the pictures in these posts (vs shooting separate photos after I film) saves me a lot of time but … the mid-sentence facial expressions. Not sure if it’s worth the convenience lol. This upper body resistance band loop workout will take you just under 15 minutes and if my facial expressions by the end are any indication, you know it’s going to pack a good burn. 😉

Mini bands are awesome because they’re super versatile and take up no space at all if you want to pack them in your bags for a workout while traveling. I always get asked which brand I recommend, and I’ve linked to the ones I use below the video. I honestly just bought a cheap set on Amazon that came with five different tension weights and they’re nothing fancy but they do the trick!

Upper Body Resistance Band Loop Workout (Mini Band)

Equipment I Used:

  • Mini band — Choose a medium or medium-heavy tension.

This workout is broken up into three circuits. For each circuit, you’ll do four exercises back to back for 30 seconds each. Rest for 15 seconds then repeat the circuit a second time. Rest for 30 seconds then move onto the next circuit.

As with all workouts, make sure to properly warm up beforehand. Always listen to your body, modifying or stopping as needed. For a guided warm up, I have two options:

Upper Body Resistance Band Loop Workout (Mini Band) — This upper body burner will take you just 15 minutes to complete. Mini bands are small and easy to pack so this is a great workout to do while traveling! Full (free!) workout video included. #workout #resistanceband #fitness #upperbody

Workout Breakdown

See the above video for clips of each exercise (time is specified below).

Circuit 1 (1:39 to see preview of each exercise)

  • Lateral Raise (right)
  • Lateral Raise (left)
  • Shoulder Press to Lat Pull
  • Alternating Lat Pulldown

Circuit 2 (6:56 to see preview of each exercise)

  • Lateral Rotation (right)
  • Lateral Rotation (left)
  • Bent Raise
  • High Row

Circuit 3 (12:19 to see preview of each exercise)

  • Shoulder Shaper (right)
  • Shoulder Shaper (left)
  • Press with Pull Apart
  • Shoulder Shaper Pulls
Upper Body Resistance Band Loop Workout (Mini Band) — This upper body burner will take you just 15 minutes to complete. Mini bands are small and easy to pack so this is a great workout to do while traveling! Full (free!) workout video included. #workout #resistanceband #fitness #upperbody

If you like this upper body resistance band loop workout, try this total body resistance band workout. It includes a similar upper body section, but also targets lower body and core.

xo Nicole