Superset Pyramid Time Challenge Workout (Week 5)

Superset Pyramid Time Challenge Workout (Week 5)On the fifth and final Monday of January, I bring you the last of the superset pyramid workout series! OK it’s Tuesday, but close enough. I got the video up on YouTube late last night so that counts?

Superset Pyramid Time Challenge Workout (Week 5)

For this workout, you’ll do 10 reps of each exercise, then 9 reps of each, then 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. You’ll go through it as quickly as possible without sacrificing proper form. Make sure to warm up beforehand.
Superset Pyramid Time Challenge Workout (Week 5)

Side to Side Plank Jumps | Start in a plank position with hands aligned under shoulders. Jump both feet up towards the outside of your right hand and then quickly back to a plank. Repeat to the outside of the left hand and then back to plank. That’s one rep.

*Modification tip* Try placing your hands on yoga blocks (hands on the widest side of them for stability) as you do these. Elevating your hands just those extra couple inches will make a big difference!

Sump Squat Jump with Lateral Leg Lift | Squat jump, leg lift, squat jump, leg lift. Feet a little wider than hip-distance apart, squat down low, weight in heels, toes angled outward. Drive up, straightening your legs as you jump into the air. Land softly, sinking fluidly right back down into a low squat. Shift your weight into the left side and, staying as low as you can (it’s natural for the left leg to straighten a little, but don’t come out of the bent knee all the way), lift the right leg straight up and out to the side, squeezing into your side butt (abductors if we’re being fancy). Lower it, bringing your weight back to center in that deep squat. Repeat sequence from the top, jumping right up into your next squat jump, this time doing the leg lift to the left.

Superset Pyramid Time Challenge Workout (Week 5)

WEARING | leggings c/o Sweaty Betty (old, shop current selection here) // Lucy tank (old, shop current selection here) // adidas neo sneakers

Southwestern Stuffed Bell Peppers

Southwestern Stuffed Bell Peppers - This delicious recipe is packed with flavor and vegetarian (or easily vegan). Try it this week! #vegetarian #recipe #plantbased #stuffedpeppers #southwestern

Droooool. I made a batch of these southwestern stuffed bell peppers with butternut squash early last week and was enjoying the leftovers for lunch every day afterwards. They’re so good! I’m using a rainbow assortment of peppers for the vibrant, colorful pictures (blog priorities *eye roll*). But you can use any color you’d like.

This is a great vegetarian dish, and can easily be made vegan by omitting the cheese or using a plant-based version.

Southwestern Stuffed Bell Peppers - This delicious recipe is packed with flavor and vegetarian (or easily vegan). Try it this week! #vegetarian #recipe #plantbased #stuffedpeppers #southwestern

This southwestern stuffed bell peppers recipe is easily customizable. Use a different grain if you don’t have rice on hand (quinoa, farro, etc.). Sweet potato would be a yummy alternative to butternut squash. Sometimes I’ll add diced tomatoes to the filling. And topping with sliced avocado is always a good idea. 🙂

Southwestern Stuffed Bell Peppers - This delicious recipe is packed with flavor and vegetarian (or easily vegan). Try it this week! #vegetarian #recipe #plantbased #stuffedpeppers #southwestern

If you’re into Meatless Monday, add these southwestern stuffed bell peppers to the menu for tomorrow’s dinner—they’re delicious! They’re also really filling, so if you’ve got a steak-and-potatoes person at your dinner table this could be a good option for convincing them vegetarian food really can be satisfying.

That being said, you could add meat to it if you prefer. This easy shredded chicken recipe would go well with it.

For anyone looking to make these vegan, you could omit the cheese or use a plant-based version. Honestly I haven’t found a vegan shredded cheese option that I *love* but Daiya’s pepperjack cutting board shreds are pretty good. The flavor isn’t as good as real pepperjack, but it does melt decently. If you have a better vegan suggestion, let me know!

xo Nicole

This blog post was updated in February 2020 with new photos. Some old ones are below.

Southwestern Stuffed Bell Peppers
Southwestern Stuffed Bell Peppers - This delicious recipe is packed with flavor and vegetarian (or easily vegan). Try it this week! #vegetarian #recipe #plantbased #stuffedpeppers #southwestern

Superset Pyramid Time Challenge Workout (Week 4)

Four down, one week to go! Of the superset pyramids we’ve done this month, today’s went by the quickest for me. It would make for a great workout finisher or is the perfect option on those days you “don’t have time” to workout.

Superset Pyramid Time Challenge Workout (Week 4)

Equipment I Used

For this workout, you’ll have two exercises that you’ll go through in a pyramid structure. You’ll do 10 reps of each, then 9 reps, then 8, 7 … finishing with 1 rep of each. The goal is to complete the pyramid of reps as fast as you can without sacrificing proper form. In the video, I go over ways to modify the two exercises to make it suitable for all levels. Be sure to warm up beforehand.

Forearm Plank to Pike to Reptile Crunch Slides | Start in a forearm plank with feet on sliders. Keeping your legs straight, pike your hips up into the air as high as you can, sliding your body into an upside-down “v” shape. Return your hips back down to plank position and then do a reptile crunch to each side, sliding your right knee in towards your right triceps and then left knee into left triceps. That’s one rep.

Jump Lunges (each set = 1 rep) | Start in a split-stance lunge position with one foot in front and the ball of the other foot planted behind you. Front knee is at a 90-degree bend with knee stacked over heel. Jump up, switching feet in midair and landing back in a split-stance lunge with the other foot in front. Repeat back to starting position. That’s one rep.

WEARING | Lululemon leggings (old but you can shop their current selection or check out these adidas leggings in a very similar shade of purple) // Puppies Make Me Happy tank (they have a Rescue Puppies collection that supports animal shelters!) // Adidas neo sneakers // Cory Vines sports bra


Every time I wear the above Lululemon leggings on the blog, I get questions about them and I always have to give the bad news that they’re old and no longer carried by Lulu. Well I just saw that Lululemon brought them back by popular demand!! I think I’m going to get another pair in the blue because they really are the best. Super high waist, supportive material, and the look is just so cool.

Some outfit and equipment detail links are affiliate.