HIIT Superset Express: Lower Body Focus (28 Min Class)

HIIT Superset Express Workout (28 Mins): Lower Body Focus | No equipment needed for this HIIT Superset class! The Express version is quicker, with three supersets instead of five. Warm up and cool down included. #hiit #intervaltraining #homeworkout

Today’s workout class is a quicker version of the HIIT Superset class I shared at the start of the month. With HIIT Superset Express workouts, you complete just three supersets instead of five, so they’re great if you’re short on time. Lower body is the focus in this one, and no equipment is needed.

If you love this class format, I have another Express class available to Patreon members (with more to come!).

HIIT Superset Express: Lower Body Focus

In this hiit superset express class, we thoroughly prepare our body for HIIT training with mobility work and light cardio. We then move onto our HIIT superset work. In each of the three supersets, you’ll preform two exercises, back to back, for 20 seconds each. You then rest 20 seconds before repeating. You’ll do four sets total.

The superset pairings will be similar, but Exercise A is lower impact, and then we dial up the intensity for Exercise B. A great modification option is to stay on Exercise A for the entire 40 seconds of work, rather than progressing to Exercise B.

Between supersets, you get about a minute to recover, but pause the video and take more time if needed. Always listen to your body, modifying or stopping as needed. We finish class with a guided cool down and stretch.

HIIT Superset Express Workout (28 Mins): Lower Body Focus | No equipment needed for this HIIT Superset class! The Express version is quicker, with three supersets instead of five. Warm up and cool down included. #hiit #intervaltraining #homeworkout

Workout Breakdown

01:43 Warm Up & Mobility

08:26 HIIT Workout

  • Duck Walk
  • Squat Leap, 180 Squat Jump
  • Back Lunge to Knee Drive Calf Raise
  • Sprinter Lunge Hop
  • Gets Ups (stay low)
  • Sumo Squat Jumps

22:40 Cool Down & Stretch

If you love these workout classes, get access to more by becoming a Patreon member! For $9.99/month, you get 7-9 exclusive workout classes and a monthly workout calendar.

xo Nicole