30 Min HIIT Workout with Weights (Total Body)

30 Min HIIT Workout with Weights (Total Body) - This 30 min hiit workout is broken up into three circuits. You'll need a kettlebell and set of dumbbells. Follow-along video included! #hiit #intervaltraining #hiitworkout #workout #fitness

This 30 min hiit workout is the last of this 30/10 series that I’ve been running with for more than a month. If you love this structure, check out last week’s which requires no equipment.

30 Min HIIT Workout with Weights


This 30 min hiit workout (28.5 minutes to be exact) is broken up into three mini circuits. In each circuit, you’ll get three exercises. You’ll go through them four times, alternating between the left and right side of your body. So in total, you’ll complete the circuit twice on the right and twice on the left.

The interval structure is 30 seconds of work and 10 seconds of rest. After each set, you’ll rest for 30 seconds. After each completed circuit, you’ll rest for 60 seconds. If you need more recovery time and are following along with the video, just hit pause!

As with all workouts, you want to make sure you’re properly warmed up beforehand, and always listen to your body, modifying or stopping as needed. Here are two guided warm ups you can choose from (or do your own!):

30 Min HIIT Workout with Weights (Total Body) - This 30 min hiit workout is broken up into three circuits. You'll need a kettlebell and set of dumbbells. Follow-along video included! #hiit #intervaltraining #hiitworkout #workout #fitness

Workout Breakdown

For a preview of each exercise and how to modify, see the noted times in the above video.

CIRCUIT 1 (02:18)

  • Lunge Hop Row
  • Curtsy to Low Squat 
  • Deadlift Tap

CIRCUIT 2 (12:43)

  • Chest Press x2 Glutes Bridge
  • Crossbody Mountain Climbers x4 Toe Touch
  • Hammer Curl x2 Fly Rotation

CIRCUIT 3 (22:40)

  • Shoulder Press Lunge Press
  • Burpee Knee Drive
  • Squat Cleans

Hope you all enjoy this 30 min hiit workout! I’ve been posting a lot of these 30/10 interval workouts, so I’m going to switch it up next week. New year, new workout structure. 😉

xo Nicole

Beginner HIIT Workout (Total Body)

Before we get to this beginner HIIT workout, I just wanted to thank you for all the sweet comments on my last post. Maybe I’ll keep the Favorites series going as a seasonal thing instead of monthly. I may not know what the exact next step for P&I is, but I do know that there is a next step. So don’t worry, I’m not going to stop blogging. I mean I have no choice—at this point I’m way too far gone to get a regular corporate job lol. 😉

Today’s workout is basically a re-vamping of a 20-minute beginner HIIT workout I posted years ago. Pretty much all the same exercises but I tweaked things a bit and, of course, added a video.

Beginner HIIT Workout (Total Body)


There are five exercises in this workout. You’ll go through them in a circuit four times, using an interval structure of 40 seconds of work and 20 seconds of rest.

As with all workouts, make sure you’re properly warmed up beforehand. This gentle warm up video would be perfect to do before you jump into the HIIT workout.

Beginner HIIT Workout - This workout will take you 20 minutes to complete and will target all the major muscle groups. Beginner-friendly and video included! #hiit #beginnerworkout #totalbodyworkout #hiitworkout #intervalworkout

Workout Breakdown

See 2:33 in the above video for a demonstration of all the exercises in this beginner HIIT workout and how to modify them.

  • Squat Thrust Sit – If you’re comfortable squatting without a chair or bench to sit on, you can advance this exercise by doing a regular air squat to thrust. If two weights is too intense, drop down to just one weight, held between your hands. Or, ditch the weight, eliminate the thrust and just squat.
  • Alternating Lunge to Torso Twist – Each time through the circuit, you’ll alternate between front lunges and back lunges.
  • Incline Burpees – You can eliminate the push up if necessary. You can also step instead of jumping into the incline plank to reduce impact.
  • Standing Side Bend – 2 Biceps Curls – Each time through the circuit, alternate which side you isolate. This is the one exercise you might want to use a heavier weight for.
  • Jumping Jacks – If you want a low-impact workout, step instead of jumping (see video for demo).

Other Beginner-Friendly Workouts

If you like this beginner HIIT workout, give these others a try, too!

Tabata “Jacks” Workout

Tabata "Jacks" Workout - This tabata workout will take you just under 20 minutes. #tabata #hiit #workout #fitness https://pumpsandiron.com

(1/14/19) This tabata jacks workout was originally posted in 2016 and has since been updated to include a video and better images.

I’ve got a new workout for all you tabata lovers! “Jacks” = jumping, so this one will get your heart rate up. All you’ll need is a weight, and even that could be worked around if you don’t have access to equipment.

Tabata “Jacks” Workout

Equipment I Used:

A tabata is 8 rounds of 20 seconds of work and 10 seconds of rest (so a total of 4 minutes long). In this workout, you’ll be alternating between two exercises for each tabata. When you finish one, rest 60 seconds and then move onto the next tabata set. In total, this workout will take you 19 minutes (including rest) to complete. 

As with all workouts, make sure you’re properly warmed up beforehand. Always listen to your body, modifying or stopping as needed. If you want a guided warm up, check out this video of mine.

Tabata "Jacks" Workout - This tabata workout will take you just under 20 minutes. #tabata #hiit #workout #fitness https://pumpsandiron.com

Tabata Workout Breakdown

Tabata #1

See 1:47 in the above video for a demonstration of the exercises.

  • Jumping Jack Press – Holding the weight, you’ll do jumping jacks while alternating between a chest press and an overhead press.
  • Truck Driver Hold – Holding a low squat, extend the weight out at chest height and twist it.

Tabata #2

See 6:14 in the above video for a demonstration of the exercises.

  • Push Up Jacks – Feet jump wide as you lower, feet jump back to center as you press up.
  • Star to Suitcase Crunch – Start in a hollow hold with arms and legs spread and as you sit up, bring elbows to knees.

Tabata #3

See 11:00 in the above video for a demonstration of the exercises.

  • Squat Jacks with Scoop – Weight is at center when feet are wide and then scoop it to the side like you’re paddling a canoe when feet hop narrow.
  • Lunge Stomps – (Optional) hold weight at shoulders as you push off your front leg. Hold it in back and not under your chin so you don’t accidentally hit yourself in the chin with it. Alternate legs each round.

Tabata #4

See 15:49 in the above video for a demonstration of the exercises.

  • Forearm Plank Jacks – In a plank, jack feet wide and narrow. To modify for your shoulders, do these in a high plank position instead.
  • Burpees – Option to do any version of burpees you’d like. I chose not to add the push up at the bottom.

Tabata "Jacks" Workout - This tabata workout will take you just under 20 minutes. #tabata #hiit #workout #fitness https://pumpsandiron.com

WEARING | K-Deer leggings (the shade of blue I’m wearing isn’t available but I’ve linked to a similar color) // New Balance tank

Any requests for workout structure/equipment/target area? I’m creating some new ones to shoot next week and would love to hear from you! 

xo Nicole

Outfit and equipment links are affiliate.