Step HIIT Workout for Lower Body – 15 Minutes

Step HIIT Workout for Lower Body - This HIIT workout uses a step bench and weight to burn out the lower body. #stepper #hiit #lowerbodyworkout #stepworkout

This step hiit workout will take you just under 15 minutes to complete and targets lower body. I’m using a cube stepper, but a longer step bench works great, too.

When I was home visiting my parents last week on the Vineyard, I shot a bunch of stepper workouts. I keep my step bench there because I have zero space in my apartment. I know not all of you have a stepper, so I’ll spread out publishing the workouts I shot using mine. In between will be bodyweight, resistance band, etc. workouts.

Step HIIT Workout for Lower Body


  • Stepper (a step bench works, too) – I’m using all four risers; use fewer to make the exercises easier.
  • 1 heavy weight (or two medium weights) – I’m using a 20-lb dumbbell, scale up or down to match your fitness level. A kettlebell or medicine ball would work, too.

This step hiit workout uses an interval structure of 30 seconds of work and 10 seconds of rest. You’ll go through five exercises a total of four times. The middle three exercises in the circuit isolate one leg. The first time through the circuit, do them all on the left leg. Second time through, all on the right leg. And so on.

If you’re following along with the video, at the halfway point, I give you 30 seconds of recovery instead of 10 seconds.

As with all workouts, you want to make sure you’re properly warmed up beforehand. Always listen to your body, modifying or stopping as needed.

Step HIIT Workout for Lower Body - This HIIT workout uses a step bench and weight to burn out the lower body. #stepper #hiit #lowerbodyworkout #stepworkout

Step HIIT Workout Breakdown

See 1:31 in the above video for a preview of all the exercises and how to modify them.

  • Squat to Sit – This is the one exercise that will be more challenging if you use fewer risers on your step bench. If your bench is too low to sit down completely, just do a regular weighted squat.
  • Uneven Squat Pulse to Step Up – Use the weight for this one unless modifying.
  • Uneven Squat Hop to Step Up – This builds off of the previous exercise, adding in more explosive movement and ditching the weight.
  • Pistol Squat – If you’re advanced, do this with the weight.
  • Up ‘N Overs

If you enjoyed this workout, I have a couple other lower body stepper workouts you’d love:

xo Nicole