Bodyweight Tabata Superset Workout (20 Mins)

Bodyweight Tabata Superset Workout (20 Mins) - Total body workout broken up into four tabata supersets. No equipment needed! #workoutvideo #tabata #hiit #bodyweighttraining

This bodyweight tabata superset workout will take you 20 minutes to complete. It uses the same structure as the previous two weeks, but no equipment required. If you missed those:

Bodyweight Tabata Superset Workout

This total body tabata superset workout is broken up into four tabatas. A tabata is 8 rounds using an interval structure of 20 sec work / 10 sec rest. I’ll give you two exercises that you’ll alternate between.

The first two tabatas are core & upper body focused, and aren’t as intense as the last two tabatas. They aren’t easy, but there isn’t any jumping around, so you’re not going to be as out of breath. You’ll use the standard rest/work tabata structure for them.

The second two tabatas are sweatier. Because I want you to be able to push your hardest during the work intervals, I’ll give you 30 seconds to rest at the halfway point in each one.

Rest for 60 seconds after each completed tabata superest.

As with all workouts, you want to make sure you’re properly warmed up before, and always listen to your body, modifying or stopping as needed. I have two guided warm ups:

Bodyweight Tabata Superset Workout (20 Mins) - Total body workout broken up into four tabata supersets. No equipment needed! #workoutvideo #tabata #hiit #bodyweighttraining

Workout Breakdown

TABATA 1 – core (obliques)

See 01:44 for a preview of the exercises and how to modify.

  • Mountain Climber Cross – Straight (alternate sides)
  • Side V-Ups (alternate sides)

TABATA 2 – upper body & core

See 06:37 for a preview of the exercises and how to modify.

  • Single-Arm Plank March (alternate sides)
  • Swimmer Kicks with Triceps Lift / Triceps Squeeze

TABATA 3 – lower body

See 11:24 for a preview of the exercises and how to modify.

  • Wide Squat Jump Side Lunge Slide
  • Low Squat Hop x2, Duck Walk Back

TABATA 4 – total body

See 16:39 for a preview of the exercises and how to modify.

  • Burpees
  • Breakdancer Kick-throughs

Similar Workouts

If you enjoyed this bodyweight tabata superset workout, you’ll love these similar options:

xo Nicole

Lower Body Tabata Superset Workout (20 Mins)

Lower Body Tabata Superset Workout (20 Mins) - This workout will target legs & glutes and is broken up into four tabatas. Video included! #lowerbodyworkout #legday #tabata #hiit #workout #workoutvideo

This lower body tabata superset workout will take you 20 minutes to complete, and whew is it effective! It uses the same structure as last week’s workout focusing on upper body. If you’re looking for a longer, total-body workout, try doing the two back to back.

Lower Body Tabata Superset Workout


This lower body tabata superset workout is broken up into four tabatas. A tabata is 20 seconds of work / 10 seconds of rest x8. You’ll alternate between two exercises in each tabata.

The first tabata is a little different from the other three. It’s focused on glute activation. You’ll do the first four intervals isolating one side, and then switch to the other leg the second half. It’s not as sweaty and intense as the rest of the tabatas.

Because the bulk of this workout is intense, you get an extra 30 seconds of rest when you hit the halfway point of those three tabatas. The added recovery is important so that you’re able to push your hardest during the remaining work intervals.

Rest for 60 seconds after each completed tabata superest.

As with all workouts, you want to make sure you’re properly warmed up before, and always listen to your body, modifying or stopping as needed. I have two guided warm ups:

Lower Body Tabata Superset Workout (20 Mins) - This workout will target legs & glutes and is broken up into four tabatas. Video included! #lowerbodyworkout #legday #tabata #hiit #workout #workoutvideo

Workout Breakdown

TABATA 1 – resistance band loop

See 01:50 for a preview of the exercises and how to modify.

  • Clamshell Lift
  • SL Glutes Bridge

TABATA 2 – resistance band loop

See 06:17 for a preview of the exercises and how to modify.

  • Lateral Step Squat Jump
  • Bear Plank Hop – Jack

TABATA 3 – no equipment

See 11:30 for a preview of the exercises and how to modify.

  • Lunge Hop – Lunge Stomp (alternate legs each round)
  • Prisoner Knee Drive Hop

TABATA 4 – heavy kettlebell or dumbbell

See 16:41 for a preview of the exercises and how to modify.

  • Squat Cleans
  • 180 Squat Jumps

Similar Workouts

If you love this lower body tabata workout, try the following similar ones (or save/pin them for later!):

xo Nicole

Bodyweight Circuit + Tabata Workout: Upper Body and Core

Bodyweight Circuit + Tabata Workout for Upper Body & Core - No equipment needed for this 22-minute upper body & core workout. You'll complete a circuit of exercises and finish with a tabata blast. #upperbodyworkout #coreworkout #workoutvideo #bodyweightworkout #workout

Today’s upper body and core workout is the follow-up to last week’s lower body version. It uses the same format as the Studio Pumps class pack I released around this time last year. The class pack was five, full-length workouts using minimal equipment (set of dumbbells and a resistance band loop). The first workout was posted for free on YouTube, with the remaining classes available for purchase.

For more information about the full-length workout classes, check out Studio Pumps.

Bodyweight Circuit + Tabata Workout: Upper Body and Core

This workout is broken up into a circuit and a tabata. For the circuit, you’ll do five exercises for 45 seconds each. Complete them back to back with no rest. You’ll go through the circuit four times, resting for 30 seconds at the end of each set. In the video, I’ll give you 60 seconds to rest at the halfway point.

For the tabata, I’ll give you two exercises and you’ll alternate between them using an interval structure of 20 seconds of work 10 seconds rest x8.

In the full Circuit + Tabata classes, a warm-up and cool down are included in the video. For today’s though, you can always do the separate ones I’ve posted in the past:

As with any workout you want to make sure you’re properly warmed up beforehand, and always listen to your body, modifying or stopping as needed.

Bodyweight Circuit + Tabata Workout for Upper Body & Core - No equipment needed for this 22-minute upper body & core workout. You'll complete a circuit of exercises and finish with a tabata blast. #upperbodyworkout #coreworkout #workoutvideo #bodyweightworkout #workout

Workout Breakdown


For a demonstration of the exercises and how to modify, see 1:45 in above video.

  • Clapping Sit-Ups
  • Side Plank Hip Dips to Top Crunch
  • Triceps Dips Crab Kicks
  • Leg Drop + Spread
  • SA March to Push Up


For a demonstration of the exercises and how to modify, see 20:27 in above video.

  • Offset Plank Jacks (alternate right / left each interval)
  • Chest-Down Sprawl

If you enjoy this bodyweight circuit, you’ll love my Circuit + Tabata class pack available in Studio Pumps! It’s the same structure, with the first half focusing on lower body and the second half focusing on upper body and core. Because weights and resistance are used, the circuit portion has more of a strength focus. The classes all include a warm up and cool down and take 45 minutes, with modifications demonstrated throughout the workout.

This is the last workout video shot in my old apartment, so get ready for a lil’ change of scenery next week.

xo Nicole