Sculpt & Slide Class (50 Mins)

Sculpt & Slide Class - This 50-minute fitness class combines sliding exercises with light hand weights and bodyweight training. Think at-home megaformer meets sculpt class. #fitnessclass #sculptclass #workoutvideo #workout #fitness

For the final day of our week of workouts, I’ve got a 50-minute Sculpt & Slide class for you. This class is my take on a home megaformer workout meets sculpt. To compare it to workouts I’ve posted in the past, think arm song meets slider workout with bodyweight training.

It’s new, so please give me feedback! If you love it, maybe I’ll create another Studio Pumps class pack using this format. If you have constructive criticism, send that my way as well so I can improve. 🙂

Sculpt & Slide Class


  • Sliders – I’m using a dish towel. If you have carpet, paper plates work well.
  • Light hand weights – I’m using 2-lb weights. If you don’t have weights, water bottles or soup cans will work!

This Sculpt & Slide class is meant to be done along with the video so I’m not going to include a detailed exercise-by-exercise breakdown here. Instead, I’ll give you a broad breakdown of the flow of class.

Sculpt & Slide Class - This 50-minute fitness class combines sliding exercises with light hand weights and bodyweight training. Think at-home megaformer meets sculpt class. #fitnessclass #sculptclass #workoutvideo #workout #fitness

Warm Up – Our warm up is to the beat of the music and we’ll use light hand weights. Basic, foundational movements to get us moving. If you have any injuries or areas of particular tightness, take some time before starting the class to specifically warm up and address what your body needs, as this warm up is very general in nature.

Arm Song – We’ll target triceps during our warm up, so our arm song will focus more on shoulders and biceps. Light hand weights are used, and think of the endurance work you’d do in a barre or spin class. If you enjoy this part, check out my other stand-alone arm song workouts.

Left Leg – Our lower body flow will start with slider work and then go into bodyweight work. It’s broken up into three main exercises with lots of holds, pulses and variations:

  • Sliding lunge work
  • Tabletop work
  • Hip bridge work

Left side obliques – Our oblique series will start with bodyweight work and finish with slider plank work.

Prone work – We’ll lay down on our stomach to center off after all the focus on our left side.

Right leg & obliques – Repeat the sequence on the other side.

More prone work – building off of our last time we were here.

Center core plank finisher – We finish class with a 2-minute plank challenge with the sliders.

Cool down & stretch – I’ll take you through a quick guided cool down. If you want to spend more time stretching, I recommend this guided stretch or this guided mobility & stretch video.

Similar Workouts

If like liked this Sculpt & Slide class, I’d also recommend the following.

  • Circuit & Tabata Class (45 Mins) – This is another full-length fitness class, but uses a different structure. One is up for free on YouTube, and four other are available for purchase.
  • Arm Song Workouts – If you enjoyed the light weight, high rep endurance work we did in the upper body section of this class, I have some more arm songs: Triceps / Biceps / Shoulders
  • Slider Workouts – If you loved the slider exercises, I have a ton of other slider workouts.

xo Nicole

Strength Interval Circuit – No Jumping, Total Body

Strength Interval Circuit Workout - Total Body, No Jumping - You'll go through a circuit of six total body strength exercises four times total. You'll need a medium dumbbell and a heavy weight (dumbbell or kettlebell). Video included. #strengthtraining #totalbodyworkout #workoutvideo #workout

I love this one! In this strength interval circuit workout, we’ll challenge ourselves with heavy load. You’ll need a medium and a heavy weight (doesn’t have to be a kettlebell—dumbbell will work perfect!). There’s no jumping, so it’s also perfect if you have downstairs neighbors.

This is Day 5 of our week of workouts. If you missed any, here’s what the rest of the week has looked like so far:

Strength Interval Circuit Workout


This strength interval circuit will take you 27 minutes to complete. There are six exercises in the circuit, and we’ll go through them using an interval structure of 45 seconds work and 15 seconds rest. At the end of the circuit set, you’ll rest for 60 seconds. In total, we’ll go through the circuit four times.

There’s no jumping, and I want you to challenge yourself with the weight you use. That being said, your best way to modify is to simply go lighter.

As with all workouts, you want to make sure you’re properly warmed up before, and always listen to your body, modifying or stopping as needed. I have two guided warm ups:

Strength Interval Circuit Workout - Total Body, No Jumping - You'll go through a circuit of six total body strength exercises four times total. You'll need a medium dumbbell and a heavy weight (dumbbell or kettlebell). Video included. #strengthtraining #totalbodyworkout #workoutvideo #workout

Workout Breakdown

See 1:58 in the above video for a preview of the exercises.

  • Squat Cleans
  • Front Lunge to Torso Twist
  • Biceps Curls Lunge – Squat
  • Windmill
  • Curtsy to Squat Thrust
  • Squat “Slams” with Pulse

Similar Workouts

If you enjoy this strength interval circuit, check out these similar workouts:

xo Nicole

Bodyweight Training HIIT Workout – 26 Mins

Bodyweight Training HIIT Workout (26 Mins, Total Body) - This bodyweight interval workout is broken up into three circuits. 30 seconds work / 15 seconds rest. Video included! #bodyweighttraining #bodyweightworkout #homeworkout #workoutvideo #fitness

No equipment needed for this 26-minute bodyweight training hiit workout. If you’re following along with our week of workouts schedule, this is really the only one that requires a bunch of jumping around. If you have downstairs neighbors and/or would rather keep your programming low-impact, choose a different total body workout from that linked page.

Here’s the week of workouts so far if you’ve missed any:

Be sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel so you never miss a workout!

Bodyweight Training HIIT Workout (26 Mins)

This bodyweight training hiit workout is broken up into three circuits. In each circuit, you’ll cycle through the exercises using an interval structure of 30 seconds work / 15 seconds rest. There are three exercises in the first two circuits, and four in the last circuit.

Between completed circuits, rest for 60 seconds (or longer if needed).

As with all workouts, you want to make sure you’re properly warmed up before, and always listen to your body, modifying or stopping as needed. I have two guided warm ups:

Bodyweight Training HIIT Workout (26 Mins, Total Body) - This bodyweight interval workout is broken up into three circuits. 30 seconds work / 15 seconds rest. Video included! #bodyweighttraining #bodyweightworkout #homeworkout #workoutvideo #fitness

Workout Breakdown

CIRCUIT 1 – total body

See 1:30 in the above video for a preview of the exercises and how to modify.

  • Sumo Squat Hop 
  • Surfer Get Ups
  • Swimmer Heel Squeeze
  • Plank Jack to Squat Jack

CIRCUIT 2 – lower body

See 12:19 in the above video for a preview of the exercises and how to modify.

  • Squat Pulse – Squat Hop – Squat Jump
  • Knee Drive Hop into Side Lunge→ Low Slide into other Side Lunge
  • Squat Jack to Star Jump

CIRCUIT 3 – upper body/core

See 20:25 in the above video for a preview of the exercises and how to modify.

  • Mountain Climbers – straight 4, crossbody 4
  • Rolling Crunches – v up, crunch, v up
  • Triceps Dip Crab Kicks

Similar Workouts

If you enjoyed this bodyweight training hiit workout, check out these similar ones:

xo Nicole